And she’s back!

I was unable to convince the doctor that I needed surgery before trying any other option, so my hand is now swollen to twice it’s normal size but for what is supposed to be a good reason. He put a needle into the base of my finger and pumped the muscle full of cortisone. I was upset that by last night it wasn’t all cleared up but my friend Dea looked it up and I need to give it up to a week to work. As the surgery wouldn’t have happened for another month and would have taken two weeks for recovery I guess I’m just as happy…

I don’t know how present I’ll be on the blog but I’m not forgetting my sisters here. I just fell behind for a while. (If you think I’m behind here you should see me catching up at work!)

And I have a couple of old pairs of glasses to donate to ‘Blood Ties Fans Recycle For Sight’ as soon as I find where and how to send them. (I’m catching up on that one, too.) Being as painfully nearsighted as I am, I find it easy to pledge to support this campaign. (It’s one of the reasons I was drawn to Vicki as a character in the books, too.)

And so, here we go, blog away, mah sistahs! I will join you as time permits.


  1. rifkind said

    Get better soon Gypsy!
    And come visit us! We miss chatting with you!

  2. cdnfreyja said

    Ms. Gypsy – I wish you a speedy recovery! We definitely miss you here!

    And the macro – what is it with the tongues on BT? There sure were a lot of them! And not in THAT way. LOL

  3. laurel said

    Thanks Gypsy!
    Sorry we didn’t connect yesterday, but you were right about not watching Torchwood “Exit Wounds” alone. We need to get together and have a marathon so we get the flow of the story. Really soon, please!

    I too have glasses to donate, so when you get the info I’ll make sure they get donated and attributed to BT.

  4. Wildstar said

    I know I have two pairs I could donate – If I can find them! I never throw anything away , so they’re around here somewhere…..

    Feel better Ms. G – I know about those cortazon shots – yep about a week to really get working sounds about right.

    well back to writing!

  5. cdnfreyja said

    I haven’t worn glasses for that long – law school killed my eyes, I tell you – so I don’t have any pairs to donate. But I think this campaign is a great idea!

  6. laurel said

    Okay girls, who has already watched Blood Price in anticipation of the week’s discussion?
    More than once?

  7. I’ve already watched both parts, plus two additional episodes. I’ll probably re-watch the entire series (or what I have of it) tonight, since I get to spend twelve hours in Heathrow. Well, maybe a little less. From the time I leave Florence to the time I get to the UK is twelve hours. Now if I could just kill the seven hours between now and that first flight…

  8. laurel said

    Sophia – We’ll be thinking of you and praying for safe flights and easy connections as you travel over the next couple of days. Let us know you’re safe when you get in. You’ll probably sleep first, but that’s okay, you should wake up in time to join the discussions. 🙂
    Wind to thy wings, little sister!

  9. Himmiefan said

    Poor Gypsy!! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were having problems with your hand. Mike will be right over to kiss it and make it better. : )

    Sophie – 12 hrs to get from Florence to London? That’s insane! Shouldn’t that be more like a two-hour flight?

  10. elizabeth said

    Okay, what gives? All the information under “leave a comment” was missing. Am I having an identity crisis and I didn’t know it? 😦 It was weird having to try and remember what I usually have in those fields.

    Oh, BTW! Good morning/afternoon ladies!

  11. E- did you dump you’re cache recently(the stored memory for you internet) because that would ‘erase’ your identity 😉

    Rif- thanks for the suggestions on the other post, its a complicated thing between him and I plus theres the wee fact he lives an hour + away so I’m basically on my own. But I’ll try and remember them.

    So we had some more kids yesterday a ‘little’ boy(he is the size of my 2 week olds I swear), and a little girl. Unfortunatly the girl was born with a serious birth defect so I had to take her and have her put to sleep by the vet. It kind of shook me a little as it was the first time I have encountered this particular defect. *shakes a little* At least I know I did it for the ‘Right’ reasons not just because.

  12. rifkind said

    Lets hope that Mackenzie’s Dad can find ways to be a part of her life. I know these things can be complicated. The two of you may need to be really creative to find ways for him to help with her if he lives far away. Maybe he can call each evening (or some set night) at the same time and read the ‘same’ bedtime book to her.. so he has a copy and YOU have a copy of the same book… or something.. Sometimes, if you are looking for ways to make it work, an idea will come to you.

    Oh Dear One! I am so sorry about your little kid that needed to be put down, so many emotional issues on the weekend. The joy of new lives and the sadness for a life that will never be. {{{HUGS}}} to you Dear!

  13. Himmiefan said

    MM – I’m so sorry about the kid you had to put down. I know it’s terribly difficult, but you know you did the right thing. Hugs to you!

    Hello E and Rifkind! And Laurel too!

  14. elizabeth said

    MM- you are right! I should have considered that dumping the cookies would cause me a problem. I have an issue with one of our databases at work and they have me doing all kind of things trying to remedy the problem. I am sure that is what caused my information to go missing 🙂

    I am sorry to hear you had to have one of the babies put down. I think that would be one of the harder parts of your job.

    Hi Himmiefan *waves*

  15. Rif, Himmie, E, thanks for the kind words. I KNOW that I ‘HAD’ to do it but that doesn’t make it easier. She would have had no real quality of life to speak of otherwise. Thankfully our vet and I were able to determine it was probably one of those ‘1 in a million’ things that just happens randomly.

    Rif- we used to do that and then lately it has become too awkward between us when we do speak because he has this notion that we should get back together because we were ‘so good’. It also is ‘helpful’ that he works the most insanely unpredictable schedule. I don’t want to come off as sounding rude about him so sorry if I do.

    E- its okay! sometimes I forget when I empty the cache, and I log on and am all ‘hey! where’s all my stuff!’.

  16. rifkind said

    No worries. It is just that IF you can find ways to let him be her Dad.. it will all be the best for Mackenzie.. I understand about the adults having to work out their own issues.. but it is always better for the kids if both parents can be a part of their life.

    It sounds like you have a wonderful vet. Well wishes for the rest of the babies that are due this spring.

  17. Wildstar said

    As I mentioned I am participating in a Great Strides Walk for the Cystic
    Fibrosis Foundation next month.
    Cystic fibrosisis a devastating genetic disease that affects children and
    young adults, restricting air flow and making digesting food difficult. Advances continue to be made in finding a cure, but your help
    is needed now – more than ever – to help keep up the momentum of this
    life-saving research. Too many young lives depend on this vital research to
    let it go unfunded! The average life expectancy for a CF patient is age 36 – imagin going through life watching the timer run down.
    GREAT STRIDES is the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation’s largest and most
    successful national fund-raising event. This year, I’m walking in the GREAT
    STRIDES event at the Bethesda, MD site on May 14th. While I have made my goal of $50, every little bit more helps – If you can make a donation of even $5, I would really appreciate it. CF is considered an “orphan disease” which means the foundation recieves NO goverment funding for research or treatment, every dollar comes from donations. You can feel confident in knowing that your generous gift is used efficiently and effectively: nearly 90 cents out of every dollar you contribute goes directly toward supporting research and specialized care that improves the quality of life for those with CF. And, it’s tax-deductible.
    Making a donation is easy and secure! Just click on the link below to make a
    donation to my fund-raising page where your donation will be credited to my
    team. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated!
    Donating to GREAT STRIDES is such a simple and effective way for you to show
    your support for this important cause. Together, we can make a difference in
    the lives of those with CF! Once again, thank you for supporting the mission
    of the CF Foundation!

    Ok I’ll get off my soapbox now – thank you for listening.

  18. Wildstar said

    Didn’t get to watch Blood Price yesturday like I planned – but I WILL watch this week for this weeks discusoin,…I’ll watch part one tonight and part two torrow…

    MM – I’m so sorry for your loss – I know your “kids” are very special…whether they be 2 footed ofr four footed….HUGS to you….

    Take care Sophia – good flight to you!

    well off to check my email…need to go find my BT dvds…

  19. Ah, that’s a typo on my part. I meant twelve hours from the time I leave Florence to when I leave London. Maybe. I’m messed up with the time change.

    It’s 1:03 am London time at the moment, and we’re settling in for a long night of waiting. Our flight leaves at 7:45 according to our travel info, but according to the website, it leaves at 8:45. We won’t know anything for another three hours or so when they officially open and there will be employees around for us to ask.

  20. cdnfreyja said

    Hi ladies,

    Today was kind of busy – lots of little things to tackle and lots of new little things that took priority over other things. And I have to admit I haven’t yet watched Blood Price 1&2 yet. Nope. The weekend was too busy. Saturday was a bit of a waste – got the hair done, good thing the red will fade to match my natural colour because it is very red! lol After that I had a bit of shopping to do, got home late, necessitating pushing all the housework to Sunday. So guess what I did yesterday???

    And I’m struggling to finish a book for book club. Why does that have to be so hard?

    MM – sorry to hear about the little kid. My parents had to put to sleep our one cat last Monday. She is the second one since Christmas. I’ll miss the two of them because they were very loving cats. But they were old (both were 17) and had their health issues. So, now my parents have gone from 3 cats to 1, and the wild one is the one left. My niece can focus all her attention on her to terrorize her! lol No, the beast just hangs out in the basement when the niece is there.

    Sophia – safe travels! Hope the wait at Heathrow goes faster than anticipated. I hate that and there is nothing we can do about it because if we want to fly we’re stuck with what the airlines decide to do.

  21. Freja–That’s true, but European airlines are so much nicer than American. If you set off the metal detectors, it’s “Do you mind if I search your bag, love?” The last time I flew, they just grabbed my bag and dumped it out without a word to me. Apparently my hairbrush and laptop charger looked strange on the xray machine.

    I’m just charging up my battery now, and then we’ll be watching some Blood Ties, or Across the Universe.

  22. cdnfreyja said

    Sophia, you need to fly in Canada (except for Air Canada which can be a nasty experience flight attendant wise). Every once in a while you get a smart ass but most of the guards are really, really polite and friendly. They ask about searching the bag, politely request you to remove your shoes, and since I seem to get the patdown nearly every time I fly, I get the female guard asking if it is okay if she does so.

    The last time I went through Heathrow was September 2006, three weeks after the big security scare. And they were none to polite then. I think they were a bit exasperated because people weren’t following the new security rules.

  23. The last time I flew (before Europe) was in Canada. I did a three month internship in Montreal, and had a heck of a time with the airports. I think the thing with the hairbrush was coming back though. Getting in was pretty easy, it was getting out that was a problem, but I blame the Americans for that. And I was flying Air Canada. Didn’t have too many problems. Ironically, one leg of our trip (Chicago to Columbus) will be on an Air Canada jet. Hopefully the next time I fly with them will be next year when I (hopefully) move to QC.

  24. cdnfreyja said

    So was it the Canadian security that was the problem? They’re always better when I fly with my cat. It is only at Christmas so don’t get any ideas about me being some crazy cat person who must travel everywhere with her cat, ladies!

    International Air Canada flights are actually pretty good. The domestic flights are the ones where the flight attendants can be pretty testy. WestJet, on the other hand, is a great airline to fly. When I go home, I always choose WestJet.

    Ooooh, and if you do make it Montreal next year you’ll be very close to Ottawa … well, closer than you are now! lol

  25. laurel said

    I’ve been in and out today, reading but not writing. I just wanted to say ‘hi’ to everyone.

    MM – I’m so sorry to hear about your tough decision. I know how hard it is to lose such a young life. We can share the ups and downs with you, and any time you need a shoulder to cry on we’re here.

    Wildstar – I’ll have to send you a check for your cause. 🙂 CF is truly a horrific disease.

  26. laurel said

    Hawaiian Air – My personal favorite. 😎

  27. Wildstar said

    oh yes I remember security at Hethrow – not fun – I was there about 15? years ago…anyway coming home they were having computer issues and couldn’t use all of the exray machines…anyway the couple in front of us had duct taped every single piece of lugae shut – OMG! you should have heard the protest when security cut everything open!
    I did get to go through the xray and got pulled out of line – who knew a pewter egg, hairdryer, and a manicure kit looked “suspicious”…it was kinda funny really – my cousin got pulled out of line becasue of her curling iron….but the security people were much nicer then here…

  28. Wildstar said

    well I’m logging out for the ight!

    sleep well!

  29. Wildstar said

    my sore throat is back and I’m starting to feel icky – so I’m off to bed – only managed to watch Blood Price up to the point where we first see Henry in bed with the blood, Sandra…now theres an image to go to sleep with dancing in my mind…. 😉

  30. Wildstar said

    whoops thats suposed to be “Blond” Sandra

  31. Hope you feel better Wildstar.

    So far my favorite airline has been KLM. They’re Dutch, I think. They were very nice and treated us very well, and because we were flying during tea time they gave us a full tea service on the plane even though the flight was only an hour.

    When I was in Montreal, I was about *this close* to taking a train to Toronto. The fangirl in me really wanted Henry’s street. I thought there were some signs saying that train tickets could be purchased for 10$, but they were in French and I wasn’t sure if I was translating them properly.

  32. cdnfreyja said

    Oooh, I love KLM.

    My parents scared the security guards when they came back from Germany where they were chaperoning a high school travel group. My parents purchased a coockoo clock (hmmm, come to think of it I don’t know where it is now that they’ve moved, I’ll have to ask) and the clock was going to be shipped. They were, however, allowed to take the 3 weights with them as carry-on – they are shaped like long pine cones.

    Anyway, they manage to get through to Toronto and it wasn’t until they went through security for their domestic flight that the weights went through x-ray a little ahead of them and the guards sort of freaked out asking if they belonged to anyone. My parents spoke up and unpacked them. No problems but it could have been interesting!

  33. Wildstar, Freyja, Laurel, Rif- thanks for the well wishes I’m doing better now(24 hours always seems to help me). I called to check how much our bill was going to be(since it was an ’emergency’ call) and at this moment it looks like they may not charge us. That would be nice, as emergency calls can be pricey the last one I paid for in July was about $200 but was much more work than this one.

    Freyja- I’m sorry to hear about you’re parents loss. We have 7 cats currently one of which we are basically sitting and waiting for to pass on as she is(to our best guestimate) about 22 years old. She is seriously ancient.

    The new kid is doing great! I got pictures of ‘the hulk’ up on my blog. He is solid black but looks kind of funny because he got daddy’s ears, but mom’s wattles which just looks weird!

  34. cdnfreyja said

    MM – just took a look at the photos of the Hulk! Lovely eyes in that one photo. LOL

    Yes, 22 is ancient for a cat. I keep telling my parents that the one they currently have (we figure she’s about 7 or 8 but still as wild as a kitten which drives my mom nuts) needs a playmate. She needs something to chase so she can burn that energy and all that food she loves to eat. We swear that if she didn’t run around so much she’d be a butterball.

    And the latest ‘Fight the Frump’ entry on the bag … so funny! My sister who is normally very stylish had a diaper bag in tow along WITH her stylish purse. But at least her diaper bag is a dark blue plaid. Why can’t anyone make something functional that also looks nice. But I also think that most regular handbags and purses are hideous anyway. lol

  35. Himmiefan said

    Speaking of airline security, back in ’01, the lady at the gate in Milan told me that I had not gone through security. Now how in the hecky doodle do you not go through security??? This was before 9/11, by the way. Anyway, she asked me a few questions and then let me on the plane. My thinking was that if someone could by-pass security, then they had far bigger problems than little old me. I guess the security person in Venice aimed his rubber stamp at my passport, but didn’t hit anything.

    There was a thing on the news the other night that American airlines are giving such crappy service in-country because they have no competition. Well, something’s got to be done, folks!

  36. cdnfreyja said

    Guess what??? Tanya Huff and Christina Cox have been nominated for sci-fi fan awards for Blood Ties, Christina for her work on ‘5:55’! Come on over to my blog to read all about it.

  37. laurel said

    Wow! that is so awesome! I’m glad they are both getting recognition for the work they do. No matter how many times I’ve seen “5:55” Christina’s performance strikes a chord. You know her heart is breaking as Mike’s life slips away, and you can feel the fierce power of her love when she demands Henry help to change the course of events.

    “Bring me the box!”
    “I can go back, I can change this.”
    “Who’s to say the same thing won’t happen over again?”
    “Because I won’t let it! If it weren’t for me he… he’d be alive. He’d have gone out with Kate. He might have had a chance to be happy!”
    “There are some things you can’t change, Vicki.”
    “There’s not. Nothing is pre-ordained.”
    “What do you want to do? Keep opening the box until every thing’s okay? I have the box. We’ve won.”
    “No we haven’t! Not like this! …. Please… please. Please.”
    “You’d die for him, wouldn’t you?

    I wonder how many times I’ve actually watched it?

  38. cdnfreyja said

    Gee Laurel, I was going to ask you how many times you’ve seen this one. :-p

  39. cdnfreyja said

    Okay that smiley didn’t work. I wanted one with its tongue hanging out.

  40. laurel said

    I suspect I’ve watched over 40 times. I know I watched at least portions of it 20+ times the week it aired.
    I’m not ashamed.
    I’m just grateful I bought it off iTunes so I could carry it with me.


  41. rifkind said

    Hi everyone,
    For those of you who want a fast game of fun.. you can try this out
    Google has a “game” for identifying images and what the pictures are.
    If you go to Google.. on the top option bar you will see a link to IMAGES.
    If you click on it … you can do a Google search for pictures..
    The game pertains to building up the words and terms associated with each image.
    below the search box you will see :
    Want to help improve Google Image Search? Try Google Image Labeler.
    If you already have a Google account you CAN log in and then assign yourself a nickname and accumulate points..
    The instructions are on the page.
    It is kinda’ fun
    When you click on the button, you will be matched with someone else on the globe as your partner. You will be shown a picture and you both enter words that match the image. when you match your “parter” you are assigned points.
    NOTE : Off to the right-hand side, are words that they are already going to use and are now off limits…
    Start typing everything you can think of about the picture… until you run out of words or you or your partner want to pass…
    the session lasts 2 minutes, then you are given a score… you can see what choices your partner had entered. You can also check out the sites associated with the image.
    I could tell that serveral of my partners were from europe.. the picture was of SOCCER… and they enter FOOTBALL….

    *WARNING* It is very addicting!
    Have fun!


  42. Gee, Laurel, had to go and post the scene that always(even in print) makes me bawl my eyes out didn’t ya? 😉 8) 😛

    “5:55” is one of my favorite episodes, except for maybe that scene just because of the whole crying thing. I remember how poignant that scene was with me the first time I saw it. I’d been upstairs watching the episode live at 8 and that scene happened and I paused it because I was bawling my little eyes out so hard that I couldn’t even see the TV. Well a bit later my dad came upstairs and I was STILL sniffling a good 30 minutes later and he was all ‘Uh, are you okay???’ I agree it is a ‘must own’ episode though!

    Freyja- The Hulk is such a camera ham its hilarious. I am seriously amazed by this ‘little’ guy. He is just over 24 hours old and eating almost a full bottle already and that is 20 ounces! With the Frump Fighting that is SUCH a hard thing for me to do. I am the tough as nails tomboy, who is ALWAYS getting ‘down and dirty’ in the mud and dirt. So I decided to start doing those posts to push me out of my comfort zone a bit and make me a little more girly more often. LOL. I’m not a huge purse person and I HATED having a diaper bag so its nice to find something that does both and isn’t an eyesore.

    I get to go on ‘vacation’ today I am so excited! I’m driving out to my friend’s house on the island and spending the night!

  43. laurel said

    The island? Which island? As a native Washingtonian I just have to ask.
    Have a great ‘vacation’ and treat yourself well. Watch out for potholes and speed bumps!
    That Hulk is one cute baby!

  44. Madonna said

    Hey everyone!

    Thought I’d pop in and say hello. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. Work’s a b***h! Also since all I’m doing is working I haven’t had much to talk about. I hope everyone is doing well or feeling better and safe travels to everyone.

  45. Himmiefan said

    Hello Madonna!

    Laurel – thanks for the dramatic reinactment of 5:55.

    Well, that’s all I have to say. I’m heading over to Google to check out Rifkind’s game. Talk to you all later!

  46. laurel said

    *bows to the audience*
    In case you missed the audio portion of the performance you should know that I managed every catch in the voice, every sob, every nuance as Mike died in my arms.
    Did I mention the kiss goodbye?

    If I were a true hen I would have gone on to do the elevator snack as well. 🙂

  47. rifkind said

    SO what did you think of it Himmi?
    It is kind of fun to do the Rorschach Inkblot Test on each image and write out any and all words that match the image..

  48. laurel said

    You know Rif, I’m right in the middle of writing a new story and I’m afraid to go to that site because I know I’ll loose my focus. 🙂
    *Psst – Don’t tell Elizabeth I’m working on something else, I’ll get in trouble.*

  49. Wildstar said

    love the reenactment Laurel…and I wont tell E if you don’t tell her

    so how has your day been? mines been just peachey (yes read with sarcastic tone)
    first thing in the door – guess whos going to be late? yep the receptionist – only this time I only had to work and hour, someone took over – the office manager was NOT happy – anyway the girl shows up around 11:30
    so while I was at the front desk out office supply order came – the girl only ordered 3 cases of paper for an office of 25 people! idiot…
    so then she gets all snotty with me on something else and ignor her..
    moving right along – she turns in her resignation! we’re not challengeing her enough – ‘scuss me? she hast once mentioned anything to anyone of authority that she was not happy with the way things have been going – also she has not once made any attempt to do anything other thatn sit and answer the phone, and do the mail , occasionally copy and scan (her work load has been cut in half becasue we can not secur the office and she hasn’t said a thing) – hence I dont believe her – I think all these late and sick days have been “inter-flu” dates…anywho back to the revolving door of temps!

    then to just add the frosting on my day – the issue I emailed you about! I was ready to scream – anyway I’m feeling better now

    now a new issue – well not NEW – I have been “batteling” with a nesting pair of mourning doves who are insisting on building the nest on the lental over my front door so every night and every morning I have to knock everything off – well tonight I had it – moody and what not – and climbed up the and scrubbed the whole thing down with bleach – I hopte the smell keeps them away – certainly made me sick!

    ok thats it – need to go find dinner – I think waffles, yeah tat sounds good….

  50. cdnfreyja said

    But Laurel, you did the right thing … Mike needs his screen time too! LOL

    I have to let you know that the funniest searches used to find my blog are:
    (1) donate a car
    (2) kyle+schmid+hot

  51. cdnfreyja said

    Wildstar when I started reading that I thought ‘why don’t they just fire her’ but she resolved that issue all by herself.

  52. Wildstar said

    hee hee hee – i know what you mean freyja…and she is going to be a royal pain in the butt until she leaves – she gave her last day as May 2 – she’s off this Friday – and HR is coming tomorrow – so its possible that this Friday will be her last…

    she has screwed up so many things in the past month that I’m giong to get stuck straightening it all out …sheesh! and all because she wouldn’t ask me for help – in fact flat out told me she knew it all!

    and to top it off – I’m suposed to go to my HOA meeting tonight – in 15 minutes actually – sheesh I just cooked dinner – I’m not going…

  53. laurel said

    Wildstar – Maybe you should just be glad the receptionist resigned so the company can find some one better. Surely there will be some one who can do a better job. I’ll be putting some positive energy out there.

    Sorry about the dove problem, I hope your solution works. Last spring we had starlings that got in through a vent up under the eaves. They built a nest which they quickly populated with a half dozen eggs. The chicks hatched and immediately set up a horrendous racket. They would only sleep from 10pm to 4am, and then spent the rest of the time demanding to be fed. Did I mention this nest was in the attic directly over my bed? Waaaaaah!
    Even though we’ve added three layers of wire screen over the vent holes the adult Starling are up there every day, trying to force their way in. They seem to believe that space belongs to them. And they sound irked!

    Oh, about my new story?
    If E asks tell her it’s being written by “Jenna.” 🙂

  54. Wildstar said

    hee hee hee Laurel – got it – Jenna

    the problem with birds like starlings is once they have nexted in a place – yep that place is theirs forever…thats why I’m hoping these doves get fed up with having to keep rebuilding…I’m really hoping the bleach smell chases them off – I don’t relish the idea of getting little bird surprises on my head coming in and out – and I don’t want them to have eggs there…
    my neice says I’m being mean…oh well

    and I can only hope that they hire someone decent…andtthat they correct the security issue so that who ever they hire can do filing – I ended up doing it Friday becasue it hadn’t been done since the office moved last month….took me all day….
    thanks for the good vibes!

  55. Wildstar said

    ok – I killed the blog – time for me to scoot

  56. cdnfreyja said

    Nah – I’ve been chatting with Mags and nowon the phone with my parents.

  57. Wildstar said

    well its almost bed time and I have to deal with HR tomorrow so Ihad better get going…

    night night!

  58. laurel said

    Good night dears, I’m going to go do some more writing.

  59. Madonna said


    Sorry about the rotten day you’ve had. At least THAT receptionist won’t be there to drive you crazy anymore. Maybe they’ll get someone much better in there to replace her.

    I just had to mention this though….

    Did you know that mourning doves, especially in pairs are supposed to be good luck?

    Well everyone,
    I’m heading to bed. I had 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night and I’ve got about 24 hours of work ahead of me in the next two days, not counting Friday.

    Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone.

  60. laurel said

    Sophia – I just wanted you to know we’re thinking of you and wishing you safe!

    Hey Madonna – *waves* nice to see you here!

  61. Laurel- Whidbey Island. My friend Vicki lives out here, and I go out once a month for a mini-vacation. Its a nice break from my farm to go to another one where I don’t have to do anything unless I want to(other than the ‘work’ i’m here for). Next month I’m thinking of coming out alone just to get a ‘break’ haha!

    So I was over on Joe Mallozzi’s blog again today and he had a video of Christina up, apparently they were doing ‘gun school’ for her episode.
    If you go to:
    She is the last video at the bottom of the entry. I don’t think I’d want to tick her off with one of those things!

    Going to run just dropping in. So when does the Episode discussion start? Or did I miss it?!

  62. cdnfreyja said

    Hi ladies,

    No, I don’t think the discussion has begun. I think we had until yesterday to rewatch the episodes. I’m bad – I still haven’t done it. Tonight …

  63. cdnfreyja said

    Oooh, my turn to kill the blog! lol

  64. I am back in the US, and in once piece. Didn’t have much trouble with security, but the guy in Chicago was a jerk and said I needed to get patted down because I was wearing a skirt. Even the girl that searched me said it was ridiculous. She kind of skimmed her hand down my leg and let me go. My roommate and I think he was just being sexist.

    Anyway, I’m here. I’m in the process of re-watching Tin Man, and enjoying the fact that I have a working tv WITH CABLE for the first time in four months. *weeps*

  65. Scribble said


    OMG, I was having a crappy day (lost my bank card, computer died, PMS) and then I get a lovely big fruit arrangement in a Hello Kitty bucket. You made my day!!!! Thanks so much, it is honestly my pleasure to chat with everybody (at least the sane ones vs y’all know who) and I so wish I could do it all day long as it’s so fun.

    We all really appreciate the tenacity, creativity and dedication that all the BT fans have shown and we know that everybody is pretty discouraged at this point with the lack of news and the best I can say is that we are still trying our best every day to bring Henry back to you and are working towards the DVD release some time late summer (subject to change). My best advice that I can give at this point is to keep up the good work and especially for the Canadian fans to make your voices heard as you are an extremely important part of the equation along with our lovely American fans.

    So once again thank you for making my day and sending my morale through the roof. Hopefully this lovely healthy treat will quell my PMS, now if only the IT guy would get here to set up my new computer.

    A greatful EA

  66. Margaret said

    Scribble: We just wanted you to know how much we appreciate everything you do when you can. As long as you all keep plugging to get Henry and the show back, so will we.

    Glad you liked it.

  67. Linda said

    Scribble — We really appreciate everything you do. Thanks so much for all your hard work.

  68. cdnfreyja said

    Scribble, my Canadian sista, you are entirely welcome! I know all of you are working just as hard just from a different angle. I know that you’d all have Vicki, Mike and Henry in production right now if you could!

  69. Scribble said

    BTW, if you check out our official site, we are up for more awards wOOt!

  70. cdnfreyja said

    Oooh, that will give me a good reason to update my blog … and to link back to the official site!

  71. laurel said

    Scribble! Glad you liked the arrangement. Our Margaret got us together to make sure you got some positive attention today, and to make sure you know how much we appreciate your attention to the fans. Thank you!!!

    And Margaret – Thank you for making it happen!

    We saw the award notifications for Christina Cox and Tanya Huff. Are there more?
    I’m down to about a mustard grain of hope for Blood Ties,
    but I do believe it could be enough.

    Sophia Rowan – Welcome home kiddo! Glad to know you made it home in one piece.

  72. rifkind said

    Happy EA day Scribble!

    I hope that you enjoyed the “Hello Kitty” reference from Blood Ties.
    I think Vicki would find it funny.
    I hope that your day gets better and better.


  73. prtfvr said


    Our Mags is the best cheerleader in the group. When she tells us something’s going to happen, it does!

    Have a great day and thanks for the update on the show. Any info is better than none.

  74. Annalaise duChat said

    Hey Scribble,

    We’ll keep on fighting the good fight! Glad you enjoyed it!


  75. Scribble said

    Boing boing boing <<<<<—-Scribble on a sugar high

  76. LOL, At least you’ll get lot’s done this afternoon!

  77. elizabeth said

    Hey Scribble – Glad you got the treat and are enjoying your sugar high! 🙂 We truly appreciate that you stop in and let us know what is going on. We’ll keep up the fight for sure!

    Ladies – guess what..guess what *jumps up and down with excitement*??!!! I am sending this to you from home! I am finally on line. I don’t know what to try first, so I checked in here!

    I actually had two computers connected at one time today – my work and home computers. It was way, way cool 😛

  78. Linda said

    Scribble — Enjoy the sugar high! It makes you forget about the pms…

    E — Congrats!! You are a regular mac wizard! I know how good I felt when I hooked up my wireless, all by myself.

  79. Himmiefan said

    Congratulations E!!! That’s great!

    Scribble – glad you’re enjoying the high! : )

  80. Claire said

    OMG!! I finally found the clinic! Look at all the new people!! I have been a baaad Sista! I had to go through 4 links before I found you guys again!
    I promise never to do that again LOL!!!

    Scribble! Happy EA Day!! I’m so happy you liked your arrangement!!!!
    Love ya!!

  81. cdnfreyja said

    Hi mamaClaire! Welcome back.

    I think I must go shut my balcony door now. A storm is moving in. The first thunderstorm of the year – woo-hoo!

  82. elizabeth said

    Claire! It is wonderful that you found us again! I’ve missed you. I hope things are looking up for you? I haven’t checked email in a long time so I am really out of the loop there.

  83. Wildstar said

    Happy EA day Scribbles! sounds like the giftie arrived jus tin time!

    enjoy the sugar high!

  84. laurel said

    Way cool! Everybody showed up! Well, not everybody, but more bodies than we’ve had in a while.

    GO SCRIBBLE! 🙂 Have a great week!

    Elizabeth!!!! I’m so proud of you finally getting online from home! Now I can reach you… (or K) lol After your class tonight you’ll have to let me know what you want to do about taking a couple of lessons together on our computers.

  85. elizabeth said

    Laurel – I rescheduled my class for Saturday at 6pm. I have a raging headache and just didn’t feel like going out in the wind. We definitely need to coordinate on our classes so we can do them together. Right now I am having trouble setting up Verizon email, etc. It doesn’t recognize me for some reason. I wonder if it is because I am on a Mac? Did you download the disc they gave you when you signed up for FiOs? I haven’t yet. Maybe that is the problem? *sigh*

    Ladies, it is wonderful to see activity on the blog again. I was indulging in watching music video’s of BT and falling in love with the show all over again. I have been blocked from them at work and now I am like an addict that can’t stay away 😉

  86. cdnfreyja said

    Yay Elizabeth!!! Now you can join us at home. Still haven’t stopped at the store but I promise I’ll be giving the Mac a very good look. My PC at work had a meltdown yesterday. Luckily I got it back up and running but I hate all the error crap.

    Hey, maybe you Mac users know, are the software packages like word processing compatible with the software for PCs? I hate (I mean REALLY hate) not having files that are compatiblel with friends’ etc. when I send them.

  87. Wildstar said

    Madonna said “I just had to mention this though….
    Did you know that mourning doves, especially in pairs are supposed to be good luck?” in response to my bird battle
    actally I wouldn’t mind a pair nesting in my yard – but this couple had to pick right over the front door! it was getting terribly messy and I didn’t want them laying eggs there – in the end it seems the bleach has chased them off….
    too bad too cus I kinda like the cooing noises….and I could use all the luck I can get!!!

    oh on the receptionist issue…she has off this Friday – I’m thinking she may not be back on Monday – I heard through the grape vine that HR is getting a temp to start on Friday… hummmm….well at least things will be interesting for a while…

    I did have a talk with the office maanger about my training and I talked with the lady training me as well – while the quality of the train has been good the “quantity” of time being spent training me sucks! and there seeme to be some control issues – she should be giving me the the crap that needs followed up on – I have no problem speninding the day chasing down information..

    so we’ll see how things go over the next couple of weeks….

  88. Wildstar said

    off to eat dinner and see if I can watch a little more Blood Price

  89. elizabeth said

    Freyja – I am loving my Mac so far. When Laurel was over here the other day we had fun playing with it. She knows her way around it far better than I do. You can certainly find out about compatibility issues when you visit the Apple store in your area.

  90. elizabeth said

    Oh, and Laurel – how is “Jenna’s ” story going? Thought I wouldn’t notice, didn’t ya? 😉

  91. cdnfreyja said

    So are we going to put off the Blood Price discussion for a few days? I’ve got a movie with David James Elliott in it on right now …

  92. laurel said

    Oh, oh! I … ah… well… there’s this really great story that came to me and…. it sort of had to be written down before I went crazy. 🙂 You’ll like it, I think. Besides, it’s sort of inspired by you. I … ah … I mean Jenna – has never written in first-person before and this seems to be coming out that way…

    Saturday you say? I wonder if I could get a lesson on Saturday? (No, I’m not just changing the subject. 🙂 Really).

    Freyja – I bought Microsoft Office for my Mac. I do most of my writing in Word and as long as I make the document compatible with older versions of Word (an option you can select each time you create a document) I seem to be able to work between the Mac and my husband’s pc-laptop
    So far I’ve had bit of trouble with documents between myself and other folks but I think it’s because I never really learned to use the software the right way. I flounder around a bit and am working on learning better ways. Apple has its own version which is supposed to be compatible with Office – Elizabeth and I will be trying it out because she has the Apple product and I have the Microsoft. We may know the answer to all of this in the next week or so. 🙂
    If you buy the Mac I recommend you also purchase the “One to one” lessons that allow you to take one lesson per week for an entire year. If you get that package they will also transfer all your data from one computer to the new one.

  93. cdnfreyja said

    Thanks Laurel! I’ll have to ask about the Apple product when I eventually get around to going to the store.

  94. laurel said

    We can start the discussion about “Blood Price a & 2″any time!
    I had suggested today as the start date for it but it looks like nobody’s started the conversation….

    Henry: “I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, okay?
    Vicky: “You believe in vampires.”
    Henry: “I am a vampire”

    *shivers and drools* His eyes are so amazing in this scene. 🙂

  95. cdnfreyja said

    Oh, I love that whole setting. But I have to say that even though vampires don’t need them Henry should put on a pair of glasses every now and then. lol

  96. cdnfreyja said

    Geez, I meant scene. LOL

  97. Wildstar said

    my favorite scene in BloodPrice is still
    “My neck wasn’t the only place she put her mouth.”
    oh the look on his face when he says taht!!!! I remember bursting out laughing….
    Second is the twhole “meeting” scene…love him in her glasses…”cute”

  98. laurel said

    Mike: “Oh, well shoot me for caring, Vicky!”
    Vicky: “I’m good, alright? Settled? I’m all good.”
    Dave: “’re not gonna shot him again are ya’?”
    Mike & Vicky together: “That was an accident!”

    Hehehe I want to know the story behind this. Didn’t we have a little contest going about how it might have happened? Hmmmm?

  99. laurel said

    Ohhh, I’m with both Freyja and Wildstar here. I love Henry in Vicky’s glasses. What a handsome man he is.

    The line “My neck wasn’t the only place she put her mouth.” is straight out of the first book. I remember laughing out loud when I read it too. What a great line.

    How about –
    “That was…. delicious.”
    “You have no idea.”

  100. cdnfreyja said

    Laurel, the scene where we meet Henry … well, we learn pretty quickly what he’s all about. LOL Okay there’s more to him than that but at the very base level that is what it IS all about for him. Vicki is the exception.

    Now, for those of you who don’t go over to KyleSchmidCentral and the forum there, I have to tell you that someone posted a link to a German language article on BT. I read through it and I LOVE the one word they use to describe Henry (well, they use more than one word but I like this one): ‘sinnlich’ which means ‘sensuous’ or ‘sensual’. Now, I don’t know about you but somehow the word ‘sinnlich’ seems far more naughty in German than its English translation … 😉

  101. catcornmom said

    OMG….I totally didn’t get the Hello Kitty thing for Scribbles until now. I’m such an IDIOT!!! I remember Vicki saying that, but it just didn’t click. I’m glad I’m not the one coming up with the ideas!!

    I just loved all of Blood Price 1 & 2. Henry looks so damn cute when he and Vicki are having the exchange when she is leaving his apartment the second time and she is talking about “450 years old or not…” Vicki was a far stronger woman than I would have been. I don’t think I could have torn myself away!!

  102. cdnfreyja said

    Hey catcornmom, if I hadn’t seen Norman rebroadcast up here just a couple weeks ago I would have forgotten all about it. Great writing! And I laugh because my sister went through a ‘Hello Kitty’ phase.

    Well, I must say there ARE certain benefits to being susceptible to the vampire’s charms … or should I say this particular vampire? LOL

  103. I don’t think I have a particular “favorite” scene from that episode. I love all of it. I know if I try to talk about one part, I’ll just go “oh, and then *this* part and then *this* one, and I also love *this*…” XD I’d basically do a play by play of the whole thing.

  104. cdnfreyja said

    Sophia – welcome back!!!

    And you know what? You can go right on ahead and start talking … and just keep on going sista’! You are among friends. 🙂

  105. Madonna said

    Hi Scribble!

    Glad you got the delivery and I’m glad we were able to boost your morale. Everybody needs that now and then. Thanks for the update as well. Like prtfvr said, “some info is better than no info.”

  106. Madonna said

    I managed to get off of work on time tonight!!!! Yippee!!!!

    Long time no talk! Hopefully now that you have a computer at home there will be more opportunity.

    I love my Mac. Of course, I don’t have a whole lot of experience with PC’s.

    Good to see you back here.

  107. Madonna said

    As for Blood Price…. I haven’t had a chance to rewatch it but I think I’ve seen it more than enough times to discuss it.

    My favorite scene is also where Henry tells Vicki that he’s a vampire.

    I love the part where he admits that he is a vampire to the waitress in a roundabout way. “I’m glad I kinda made an impression.”

    I’d have to say my favorite overall thing about this episode is Henry’s facial expressions. He says so much in this epi with just his face. Love the look on his face when he tells Vicki, “I am a Vampire.”

    Then there is that smile on his face when Vicki walks into his apartment. It’s so devilish and charming all at the same time.

    And when Vicki leaves him in that one scene and he just stands there and closes his eyes. My heart kind of started breaking for him right there.

    That wraps up my faves….

  108. cdnfreyja said

    Madonna, you are so right about the facial expressions. Kyle does an excellent job of expressing far more through his face than through the words.

    I’ve gotten a little … er, distracted by the Tudors tonight. The show is being rebroadcast on a new network. This particular episode has a really heat-worthy scene in it that I kind of missed the first time around. NOT going to miss it tonight. Sorry Henry.

    But in keeping with the topics of this post, what I love about a well done period piece like the Tudors is that they reflect the fact that people had to disguise their meaning through all kinds of clever double-speak. It is so funny to think that such innocent talk really had a much darker or naughtier meaning!

  109. Wildstar said

    sorry I vanished on you – I was writting…

    oo oo the scene wher Vicki Says “I guess w’ere working together” – that smile on Henrys face….you can almost see the “YES!” running through his mind

    well I’m out for the night – chat at you tomorrow


  110. cdnfreyja said

    Hi Wildstar! At least you have a good excuse. I’m simply stepping out on Henry with his father tonight! LOL

  111. Linda said

    I like the scene where he explains to Vicki how he became a vampire. She is shocked when he tells her that he begged Christina to turn him because he wanted to be like her. If you remember in The Devil you know Christina tells Vicki that someday she will beg Henry to turn her.

  112. elizabeth said

    I’d be hard pressed to decide on an absolute favorite scene. I guess what immediately pops into my mind is the bedroom scene and the first time we see him vamp another person. I was awed by the way his eyes darkened and I found myself leaning forward in my seat. Of course, it was probably to stop myself from drooling all over myself 🙂 I also really loved the expressions that chased across his face when he was walking with Vicki in the park. It was plain that he still grieved over Christine and the innocence he lost. When they pause by the tree and his face is silvered by the moon – oh my!

  113. elizabeth said

    Linda – that is what I miss about the discussions we used to have on the blog. We all pick up different things and tie them together. I didn’t make the connection between his conversation with Vicki and the one Christina had with her until you mentioned it!

  114. cdnfreyja said

    Linda, you are so right! I noticed that line in ‘The Devil You Know’ and thought that it was just Christina trying to goad Vicki. But I had forgotten about that line in the pilot. So … there IS something to it. Hmmmm …

    We need more seasons of BT!

  115. cdnfreyja said

    Well ladies I’m just letting you know that I won’t be able to check in until after work tomorrow – an all day meeting out of the office. And I am starting up with another round of bellydancing classes tomorrow night as well. Just 6 weeks this time but I can tell my body needs to move! I’ll pop in tomorrow when I can.

  116. elizabeth said

    ‘Nite Freyja! Good luck with all the meeting tomorrow. I hate the ones that last all day – they just wipe me out!

  117. elizabeth said

    I guess it is time for me to shut down and clean up the kitchen. Talk to all of you lovelies tomorrow.

  118. Linda said

    I think Christina assumes that humans become enthralled with vampire powers.

    Vicki said to her “ok I get it, vampires are cool”. After Christina tells vicki she will beg Henry to turn her, she goes on to say “you are all alike.” Henry then rushes in to save her saying that it’s not true.

    I think Henry’s desire to become a vampire was driven by love, but Christina believed it was more about a desire for power. She attributes her own motives to everyone else.

    G’night Freyja and Elizabeth, talk to you tomorrow.

  119. Hmm, I’d have to say my favorite scene in Blood Price 1 & 2, is the chinese food scene between mike and vicki. Always guaranteed to make me giggle/smile/guffaw loudly.

    Between the fortunes, and inuendos to the ‘cheating’ scene its just priceless and perfect.

    Though my favorite exchange still has to be:

    Vicki: mike come on how many cases have we solved over beer and bad chinese?
    Wait! I get it you’re doing Chinese with somebody else aren’t you? Its Dave isn’t it?
    Mike: Yes, good ole’ Dave you found me out.

    Always makes me grin I LOVE the way those two play off each other. I have other ‘favorite’ scenes but at the moment my mind is a jumbled mess from screwing up my sleeping schedule. 2 hours of sleep last night, and then 6 hours in the middle of the day are NOT good!

  120. laurel said

    I am so glad to see so many of our sista’s showing up today! I have missed the sharing of our BT passions and hope we can continue.
    More tomorrow?
    Btw – am I the only one who paused and admired the way Mike looked in the formal suit at the first crime scene? Even with the horrible raincoat over the top it was wonderful. 😛
    Oh, I did remember to watch Odyssey 5 today. Looks like they leave Kyle’s character in a coma with the situation unresolved. Bummer.

    MM – I love that scene with the Chinese food too! They are really good together. You can’t beat the casting for this show.
    Now, get some sleep dear!

  121. Laurel- I’m just now going to bed I had to sit and wait patiently for my sneak peek @ Christina’s guest spot on atlantis. Today was the first day of shooting so you know being a fangirl and all I HAD to see pic’s from Joes blog like this one:

    I can’t wait to see what the week brings. Boy do I sure hope that her character survives the ep, and that audiences like her. I would have NO problem, if they cast her as a ‘reoccurring’ character over there. No sirry bob, no problem at all.

    Oh and in case you missed it I was out on Whidbey Island.

  122. Chery said

    Ms. Gypsy
    Sorry about your hand, I wish you a quick recovery.

  123. rifkind said

    Yes I am glad to see that Christina is working too.

    > “My neck wasn’t the only place she put her mouth.”
    I wonder how many times they had to shoot that scene… LOL!
    I love the little licking his lips as he is in the middle of saying that… hee hee..
    All that I could think of was that it was a good thing it was dark, as I think Kyle would be blushing…. most 22 year old men do not say stuff like that to a woman… maybe bragging in the showers to the guys, but not to a woman.
    Henry on the other hand, is old enough, that embarrassment about s*x is no longer an issue. It is what it is, and human nature. I think that he would enjoy the fact that Vicki might be surprised by his candor as she blinks and looks away. “Oh….”
    Henry would laugh.. Kyle would blush.

  124. Claire said

    Hi My lovely sistas! Bon Matin!

    What made me fall in love with Henry…was that scene in the park..the vulnerability he showed as he spoke of loving someone so much,that he begged her to essentially end his mortal life.But when he uttered that famous…”My neck is not the only place she put her mouth” I was a goner LOL!!! Also when we first see bed with the blonde…and he tells her to leave…his face shows regret,pain and loneliness.
    ACH!! you I’m missing Henry!

  125. laurel said

    I didn’t get to see the first part of Blood Price for a couple of months because I didn’t discover Blood Ties until it had been on a few weeks.
    That episode was already gone from “On Demand.” When they finally became available on line I eagerly started the video only to find that I was having sound issues….. I managed to get the sound on, and my headphones incorrectly plugged in…. just in time for Henry’s first scene. To my surprise – there he was – in the bed – sound effects and all – and there I sit, with my husband and oldest daughter standing directly behind me. There was a collective gasp of surprise in the room as I throw my body in front of the screen.
    Daughter’s response “MOM, What are you watching??
    Husband’s response “Hey, what’s that?”
    My response? Let’s just say I watched it privately, later.

  126. Linda said

    Laurel — LOL! She was one vocal blonde wasn’t she? I liked the fact that they showed Henry with a bit of blood on his mouth and wiping his lips after.

  127. rifkind said

    Madonna wrote:
    >Then there is that smile on his face when Vicki walks into his apartment. It’s so devilish and charming all at the same time.

    Yes I too loved the look on his face as he shuts the door. That grin that says..
    “I knew that she’d be back.” and “The game is on…”
    Little does Henry know, Vicki will not be an easy conquest.

  128. rifkind said

    Henry: “I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, okay?
    Vicky: “You believe in vampires.”
    Henry: “I AM a vampire”

    How many of you look at Henry’s eyes?
    How many look at his mouth?
    I’m about 60/40 each time that I’ve watch it…..
    That little twinkle in his eye as he tells her his secret.
    and Vicki instantly looks at his mouth too… like she is thinking, “I didn’t see fangs…”
    I love how she registers how cold his hand is during the handshake and pulls her hand away is when he introduces himself.

  129. laurel said

    Poor Henry, doesn’t realize the challenge he’s facing. But you have to admire his tenacity where Vicki is concerned.

  130. laurel said

    Oh, Henry’s eyes in this are perfect. The cinematography is so well directed to capture every nuance of feeling in that beautiful face.

    Yup, I think I agree with the 60/40 on this. Oh wait, let me go watch it again…
    Well, what do you know! I think I’m watching them about 50/50.


  131. Claire said

    I was going to agree..but I sometimes get lost staring at those eyes…so I can’t say for sure 60/40.Kyle has the most expressive eyes! When playing Henry…heck even if he didn’t have any lines…you’d know what he was thinking,feeling etc.My favorite shot of his eyes? Deep Dark…at the end…”Come with me” Oh man those eyes filled up..sheesh!

  132. Claire said

    Speaking of..there they are behind my name.

  133. Linda said

    Kyle does have the most amazing and expressive eyes. He also has very intense eye contact when he speaks to you. It is hard to remember what he is saying..

    I think I usually look at his eyes in the “I am a vampire.” scene.

    Rif — I didn’t think about Vicki pulling her hand away because his hands were cold. I just thought she was kind of afraid of him, but what you said makes more sense.

    Claire — Those eyes do fill up! I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch Deep Dark again… too sad.

  134. rifkind said

    Tanya had the “cold handshake” in her book.. and I could SEE that this was translated into the scene..

    I also love how Vicki kind-of crawls to the farthest corner of the love seat when Henry sits down next to her… at that moment she is thinking that she is sitting next to a serial killer…

  135. Linda said

    Rif — Yes, when he sits down next to her, she tries to squeeze away from him, but has no where to go on that little love seat. You just know that Henry does it to invade her space and through her off kilter.

    Now what about the feeding scene, Vicki takes off her glasses, why? Because she doesn’t want to see Henry feeding? I thought that scene was ironic because, Henry has just told her that he’s been alive for close to 500 years. On their first night together, she has to save his life. It seems to me, that if he had been alone, he might have been too weak to save himself.

  136. rifkind said

    I think that she took her glasses off…
    because the director wanted us to SEE her face.. and every expression on her face and eyes..
    This is an orgasmic experience.. and we need to see her reaction

    I kinda had a problem with the feeding in the elevator in 5:55 because it seemed so … stiff on Vicki’s part…… I had expected more of a reaction

  137. laurel said

    I wondered about what he would have done if Vicki hadn’t been there to feed him, but I suspect he might have had to deal with blood from the dead skateboarder. Just a thought.

    I didn’t think it made sense for her to remove her glasses in several different scenes throughout the series. I know I wouldn’t have so it must have been the director’s idea.
    I also wondered the feeding at the skate park and think that without his ability to vamp her she might have only been feeling the pain. He didn’t have a chance to ease into it (and they didn’t get to cuddle after). It must not have been all pain because he had to force her away.

  138. rifkind said

    OK here is my theory..
    Yes he could have tried draining the blood from the dead skateboarder, but who knows how successful that would have been.. but it did seem to work for the demon.. so for a vampire, maybe it would…

    IF it didn’t work,
    I think that the ANIMAL INSTINCT for survival would have kicked in.. and if he had enough strength.. he would feed on the next person he ran into.. a sleeping drunk in an ally.. a lone person walking .. maybe even the other skate board kid if he was still around.. Henry doesn’t WANT to be that way.. but just like he became in “Heart of Fire”, the instict to survive and feed takes over.
    If he didn’t have enough strength left to feed, he would pass out and the sun would take him at the dawn……

  139. elizabeth said

    Rif – I agree that Henry would have found some way to save himself. I am sure in his long, long life there have been other occasions when his existence was pretty precarious and he is definitely a survivor.

    I also think that a Vicki removed her glasses so that we can see her face clearly. Funny, though..I don’t remember her picking them up when she helped Henry return home. Do any of you?

  140. laurel said

    He might have even munched on a raccoon or two. The books deal with this a little more, but…

    I’m off to lunch with my hubby. See you later.

  141. rifkind said

    Well he did survive in a dump when he was shot and left for dead by the mob.. He might end up crawling into shadows or a dumpster during the day and try to survive on rats…

  142. elizabeth said

    I was also very caught by the look on his face when Vicki is helping get to his apartment and the guard asks if he is all right. It was obvious he was in pain but he also has that lost unfocused look on his face. It was very poignant to me. BTW, did anyone notice if Vicki had her glasses on at that point?

    Laurel – enjoy your lunch with your hubby!

  143. Linda said

    I thought he was vamped out when Vicki was helping him to his apartment. I will go back and watch that again.

    I also didn’t notice about the glasses.

    When she gets him into bed, he appears to be unconscious, even though it is still night. I wondered if the wounds the demon inflicted were poison and that is why it took so long for him to heal.

  144. elizabeth said

    Linda – that would be my guess. The demon also probably took too much blood from Henry when he slashed him and he couldn’t heal himself. That is why he needed Vicki’s blood.

  145. elizabeth said

    I thought this was too funny not to share.

    Pet Diaries


    8:00 a.m. – Dog food! My favorite thing!

    9:30 a.m. – A car ride! My favorite thing!

    9:40 a.m. – A walk in the park! My favorite thing!

    10:30 a.m. – Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!

    12:00 p.m. – Lunch! My favorite thing!

    1:00 p.m. – Played in the yard! My favorite thing!

    3:00 p.m. – Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!

    5:00 p.m. – Milk bones! My favorite thing!

    7:00 p.m. – Got to play ball! My favorite thing!

    8:00 p.m. – Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!

    11:00 p.m. – Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!


    Day 983 of my captivity.

    My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.

    They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are
    fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for
    the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in
    order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my
    dream of escape.
    In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

    Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their
    feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it
    clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made
    condescending comments about what a “good little hunter” I am.

    There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was
    placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However,
    I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my
    confinement was due to the power of “allergies.”
    I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

    Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my
    tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try
    this again tomorrow — but at the top of the stairs.

    I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.

    The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released – and
    seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.

    The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with
    the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My
    captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell,
    so he is safe….. For now…

  146. Arrowyn said

    I thought maybe all you Minxes might enjoy these.

  147. elizabeth said

    Hi Arrowyn – I miss you!

  148. rifkind said

    Here are some more fun lines from Blood Price.

    Vicki: Clearly I need more beer.
    Henry: Our lovemaking was like we were on fire.
    Vicki: You should work in recruitment.
    I LOVE this exchange

    Henry: If you find our man before tomorrow night don’t try to take him yourself. Wait for me.
    Vicki: And what should I tell him. Just to… stop killing for a little while?
    Henry: Bravery is a powerfully attractive trait in a woman. Stupidity is not.

    Of course, Vicki can’t WAIT for Henry!!! OK, she is tempted to go right away to save Coreen, but it shows Vicki’s recklessly walking into danger.
    Henry: This won’t be the end for us.
    Vicki: No?
    Henry: You gave me your blood. You’re part of me now.

    So is this different than some of his other dinner guests? As Vicki was not vamped or dazed by his powers.. and she freely gave him her blood? Or does he have this connection with all his “meals”??
    Whatcha’ think?

  149. elizabeth said

    Rif – I love all those lines! And, I have been known to use the one about the beer on occasion 😉 I also wondered about his comment regarding her being a part of him now. I’m kinda curious to see what others think!

  150. cdnfreyja said

    Hi ladies, just making a quick appearance here. I still need to eat before I go to my bellydancing class. But I can tell you that today’s meeting was great – so nice to take a break from discussing the usual at work, like oh I don’t know, murder.

    I still have to pop BP 1&2 in – maybe tonight when I’m pooped from class. But I’ll be back later.

  151. catcornmom said

    Vicki didn’t take her glasses with her when she took Henry back to his apartment. If you remember, the police found them at the scene and showed them to Mike.

  152. Wildstar said

    good evening!

    my my my what I miss not being able to pop in during the day….

    ok the skate board park feeding scene as it relates to the book – in the book Vicki is enthralled by the feeling as get really worked up and doesn’t want Henry to stop – and he had to push her away – the difference is in the book she went and got Tony to finish feeding him…..
    I didn’t notice the galsses eitehr – now I’ll have to go back and watch that…
    in the bed – I think he had lost so much blood he was weakend

    oh since I mentioned not being able to blog at work – hee hee hee I have to tell you this – shhhh I heard this on the down low – since the spywear was installed and the memo about blocked internet ussage the prson with the highest number of hours loged surfing the net was (drum rolol please) – the receptionist!!!!!!! no wonder she never told anyone she was upset – told you it was bull…anyway she was late today and shes off tomorrow – next week isher last week – the only resaon they didn’t tell her to pack up and leave today – they can’t find a temp!! idiots waited til today to start calling!!!

    okk sorry – just had to get that out…

    off to find some dinner

  153. Linda said

    Henry: This won’t be the end for us.
    Vicki: No?
    Henry: You gave me your blood. You’re part of me now.

    I have wondered about this too. Perhaps, like Rif said, it was because he was injured and she let him feed, without his seducing or “preying” upon her in any way.

  154. laurel said

    Oh, oh…. Vicki is wearing her glasses when she half carries Henry into the lobby of the condo building. She is also wearing them when she helps him lay down on the bed and while she watches as he moans in pain. Just before he falls into his “daytime mode” the glasses are gone.

  155. laurel said

    Vicky’s glasses were found at the inner city park when Henry knocked her out, but not at the skate park. She was identified by the witness and her glasses were mentioned.

  156. catcornmom said

    Oh yeah..the glasses were found when there was a dead guy. Because then Henry apologized for not grabbing her glasses but then noticed she had a second pair when he was going through her purse. Gotcha!

  157. elizabeth said

    Those pesky glasses seem to have a life of their own, don’t they?

    Wildstar – companies are really buckling down on their employees. I know there is an outside company that monitors activity for Xerox and there are some sites that are absolutely blocked. That is why I could never get into the google group to change anything and had to stop the emails because there were so many I was afraid I would get in trouble. So far they don’t seem to have a problem with blogs, but I am very cautious and don’t post very often during the day. I think your receptionist saw the writing on the wall and decided to quit before she got fired.

  158. cdnfreyja said

    Okay, I’ve returned from bellydancing class – worked on candles and double veils tonight. Stuck Blood Price in the DVD player.

    I want to know how Vicki shot Mike – must be explained in season 2. (I actually typed 12 – hey I’d go for 12 seasons although Henry might age a bit between now and then. lol)

    Question – if Coreen is that shook up by her boyfriend’s death, why is she wearing so much eye makeup and it isn’t running? Shouldn’t she be crying or something?

    OMG Laurel!!! Yeah, just saw that scene – I can totally see how that would be a bit of a shock. And of course that would be exactly when the sound would kick, right?

    Oooh, and you know what? I kinda like how Mike swoops right in there calling Vicki up for Chinese not that long after seeing her at the crime scene.

    Vicki’s fortune cookie: the night will be filled with mystery and budding romance! OMG I totally didn’t pick that up the first time. A wee bit of foreshadowing???

    And I love the look on Mike’s face when Vicki says that Coreen thinks it was a vampire that killed Ian.

    Okay, back to viewing.

  159. elizabeth said

    Is it weird that I haven’t actually sat down and watched this episode lately, but it is so clear in my mind that I can close my eyes and replay scenes? Should I be worried, do you think?

  160. cdnfreyja said

    No Elizabeth, that’s not weird. LOL I’m just watching it with different eyes right now. I’m looking for all those little things.

    Like the look on Henry’s face after he’s met Vicki in the club and he realizes that his powers don’t work on her. Did you see that? He gets this playful smile that says ‘Hmmm, now what could I do with her’ as she’s walking away.

    And then there’s the classic Vicki “You picked the wrong dance partner”!

    What is with Kate giving Mike relationship advice? That changes pretty quickly doesn’t it?

  161. elizabeth said

    I also really like the last scene where Vicki is talking to Henry and Mike walks up. When he puts his arm around her and walks towards her apartment you can tell they have a long history together. Henry standing by the street lamp sets up his aloneness so poignantly. But, you can also tell that this is just the beginning for him. It was done wonderfully well.

  162. cdnfreyja said

    Oh totally Elizabeth. Refer to the fortune cookie as foretelling what is to come for Vicki and the vampire.

    I love it when Henry says “My smile is my best feature”. Oh, it’s pretty good my dear! LOL

    And I know you all were talking about the whole ‘I am a vampre’ line and how he delivered it. I start out watching his eyes – and they do get that troublemaker twinkle in them. But then when he delivers the line I look at his mouth! Every time. He played that perfectly!

  163. cdnfreyja said

    So I’ve killed the blog twice in two days …

  164. laurel said

    The blog’s not dead! It just takes power naps.
    Yeah, that’s it.


  165. rifkind said

    Hey Freyja,
    I am glad that you also noticed the progression as we watch the “I am a vampire” line.., you described what happens perfectly!
    I think that I do that every time I watch it!

  166. elizabeth said

    OK, where is everyone today? Did a new link go up and I didn’t see it? *knocks on computer screen* anyone home?

  167. cdnfreyja said

    I’m around, but I’m trying to catch up on everything having been out of the office for an entire day. I dreaded opening up my e-mail knowing that I’d have tons of stuff to deal with. Love being out of the office for meetings but I hate the in office aftermath of not being here.

  168. laurel said

    Writing, I’m writing… someone keeps snapping the whip and telling me to work on it.
    Ahhhh – I’m still woking on “Moon Sorrows” but soon going back to Jake… really, I promise.
    Oh, and I need to see about posting the next bit of “No Stray Cats.” I think I’ve got Mike rescued….

    Oh, dear! It’s Friday! I’m supposed to be working on editing!

  169. elizabeth said

    Laurel – “Moon Sorrows”? That is an intriguing title. I hope you are going to share and let me read it? Please…pretty please with sugar on top! 🙂

    Freyja – I feel your pain on the emails. I always dread opening that up when I get back from vacation because it can take several days to wade through all the stuff that needs to be taken care of. Good luck!

  170. I am here, I’m just catching up on things. I have some major room cleaning to do so I can fit the stuff I brought from Italy someplace other than the living room floor. My bedroom at my parent’s place is a shoe box, especially since I have to fit everything that used to fill an apartment in it.

  171. laurel said

    Elizabeth – Yup- “Moon Sorrows” has me in a writing frenzy. Where was this story when I was trying to do the NaNoWriMo thing in October? I can’t write fast enough to keep up with the ideas. The whole thing is pretty rough and is going to need a lot of ‘post production’ attention, but yes you can read it.
    Instead of ‘sugar’ on top of the pretty please… I probably should go for a walk instead.
    Sophia – So how long will you have to live with your folks?
    Having lived in my share of ‘shoe-box’ conditions I have to say that I feel your pain. I I think my first apartment was about the same size as my bedroom at home – but with my own kitchen and bathroom squeezed in. 🙂
    A good memory actually.
    I hope you brought home some really awesome stuff!!

  172. elizabeth said

    This is kinda sad. There haven’t been any posts since this morning.

  173. laurel said

    Where did everybody go?
    I’ve been refreshing this page every half-hour.


  174. laurel said

    Now that’s funny. 🙂

  175. laurel said

    Oh Elizabeth….
    I have a story for you…..

  176. laurel said

    Geez, power napping again.

  177. cdnfreyja said

    I’m here ladies! Clearly we need more Henry! lol

    Sorry I disappeared this afternoon. The administration part of a management position sometimes drives me nuts. And the others making decisions about my time when I’m out of the office. lol I think I managed to catch up on all the mini-crises I had to deal with today but I didn’t get anything on my list done.

    I’ll be around now so chat away. I’ve just got to grab something to eat … from the kitchen which is just a few steps away so I’m not going far.

  178. laurel said

    Thank goodness you’ve come to the rescue! It was really lonely in here today.
    I’ve gotten a fair amount of writing done, plus a walk to the park and some lunch.
    Now I have kids at home and dinner to plan. And a night of editing on-line with Wildstar, I think.

  179. cdnfreyja said

    Glad to come to the rescue! Just stuck my chickpea tomato sauce and pasta in the microwave. I’m so glad the weekend is here. I’ll be around from time to time so I’m sure I’ll see you around if you pop in.

    We need more Mike, Vicki and Henry discussion. Hmmm, trying to think of a discussion question to throw out like Mike Myers did as Linda the coffee talk lady on Saturday Night Live. If anyone else thinks of one, throw it out there.

  180. laurel said

    I watched the scene where Vicki and Mike are eating Chinese food and reading the fortune cookies and have to wonder…. Why keep eating “bad” Chinese? I haven’t been to Toronto, but I know Vancouver has excellent Chinese food available. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, it isn’t that hard to find. Heck, Portland has great Chinese!

  181. elizabeth said

    So, Laurel…what is the story you have for me? 🙂

    Freyja – we definately need more Mike, Vicki and Henry discussions to draw people back to the blog. Maybe we should decide on the next episode to watch and discuss?

  182. cdnfreyja said

    I don’t know … Toronto is supposed to have great Chinese. Maybe it is more of a statement about their relationship work and private.

    Do we do Bad JuJu next? Not exactly my favourite episode but we see Henry playing with the bartender, almost staked, rescuing Vicki and that almost kiss at the end. Stop me now before I actually start discussing the episode! lol

  183. laurel said

    We can either go in order or we can jump around.
    My suggestion would be that we could do “Norman” next if we want the continuity of his story…
    or just go on to “Bad Ju-Ju” and hit the high points of that one.
    I think I’d prefer taking them in order so that we can have “Norman” to look forward to in a few weeks. 🙂

  184. elizabeth said

    Bad JuJu isn’t one of my favorites either, but it does have some interesting scenes. I’m willing to watch it and discuss it.

    Laurel – what do you think?

    Ha – it is finally time to shut down and head home! I think my brain hit overload an hour ago, so I am more than willing to leave for the weekend. I’ll check in with you ladies a little later!

  185. laurel said

    Elizabeth – I have the beginning of “Moon Sorrows” and I think I’d like some feedback about whether to leave it in ‘first-person’ or not. I’m not wild about writing it this way and I don’t want to go too much further if I’m going to have to change it. I’ll keep going with the story (it’s not done with me yet), but I need an opinion on the style.

  186. Wildstar said

    Laurel – Rose – either of you around?
    My email is currently down so I don’t know if you are availble tonight or not – but I’m ready when you are!!

    well today wasn’t too bad – they actally split the day up so we only had to take an hour and a half each watching the front desk – yes we were suposed to have a temp – but someond in HR goofed that up – anyway the chick has Monday off (why didn’t they just tell her not to come back) and we’re suposed to have a temp – we’ll see how that goes.

    Laurel – you go girl! write write write!

  187. cdnfreyja said

    I say we go in order too. There are story arcs that have to be followed to their conclusion. I know we’ll probably jump around in our discussion anyway, i.e. ‘hey, you remember when Mike/Vicki/Henry/Coreen did that in episode x?’.

    So, when do we start the next discussion? Next week or do we need more time?

  188. laurel said

    Hey, I’m available for some editing but I’m going to have to stop in an hour and a half to fix dinner and go do some “family” stuff. I’ll meet you shortly

  189. Wildstar said

    see you there

  190. cdnfreyja said

    Wildstar – just sent you an e-mail!

    And I found out today that we lost a crapload of funding. I’m fine, my team is fine but another staff member was let go today. And another one has decided to go back to school so her last day is next week. Yeesh! Can there be any more staff turnover in my first 6 months?

    Wildstar – I read that comment about the receptionist being the one who spent all the time on the net. Of course it would have been her, right?

  191. laurel said

    Maybe we should try for a little more discussion on Blood Price over the weekend, but I’m ready to move on by the first of next week if others are. We can always make jumps backward, and as you said, there’s bound to be some jumping around anyway.

  192. laurel said

    Think of it as affirmation! We sisters just think alike.
    Uh, huh!


  193. cdnfreyja said

    Laurel, Gypsy says you need to go over to LJ to read her Touchwood story already! lol

  194. laurel said

    Oh dear, I bookmarked it last night and meant to read it this morning. I just love her stuff. I wasn’t signed in to LJ when I was on line last night so I didn’t leave a comment. Bad Laurel.


    Wait a minute! Gypsy sent you after me? What’s up with that?

  195. cdnfreyja said

    Yes, it appears so doesn’t it. LOL I still have to go over to a recipe exchange at LJ that she suggested I pop into.

  196. laurel said

    I feel badly that I haven’t gotten over to Tanya’s blog to congratulate her on the nomination this week.

  197. cdnfreyja said

    I’ve never actually commented at Tanya’s blog. But at least they worked out the kink in the nomination. She wanted her name withdrawn because she didn’t create the show. Tanya!!! You created the characters and without your books there would have been no characters to adapt. And no Mike/Vicki/Henry conversations to have!

  198. laurel said

    Besides – Blood Price is pretty close to the original story.
    I agree that she should get the award simply because of the inspiration!

  199. cdnfreyja said

    Yes, I still thought that the original nomination fit because it is for outstanding contribution for 2007. But they now have her listed as writer/creative consultant.

    Geez, where would we all be without her characters?

  200. laurel said

    I know I would be a sad lonely woman sitting in front of her computer…..

    Hey, I have friends! Somewhere out there…. really….


  201. cdnfreyja said

    Ha! And I’d be in front of the tv ignoring it while trying to read a book for book club. lol

  202. I don’t own Bad Juju, but I’ll try to watch it online. My mom works from home for a call center though, so I don’t know if I’ll get the computer. Or how well our connection will work with the streaming.

    Laurel–I’m going to be here until August. Then I’ll be moving in with my best friend and roommate from Italy. Her parents are moving and leaving the house for her and her brother, so the three of us plus one of his friends will be renting it. It’s a huge old Victorian, and while I’ll have to share a room I’ll still have more space than I do here.

  203. laurel said

    Sophia, at least it isn’t longer. Sounds like things are going to be fun in August.

  204. Yes. Once I move into her place, I’ll get to stay put for a year. Woot! I’ve been moving every 3-4 months basically for the last three years.

  205. rifkind said

    Sorry I’ve been gone all day..
    I worked from home and was plugging away all day..
    Chat with you all tomorrow!

  206. I too vote we watch Bad JuJu next so as to keep the episodes in order. Sorry I haven’t been around much just prepping for my insane week next week. Tuesday we have a trip ‘into the city’ to do our first ‘annual’ follow up on the toddler’s surgery. I know we’ll get the all clear on this test(Renal U/s) but have a sneaking dread that when we get there the Urologist is going to be “well why didn’t you also have test xyz run too?” then we’ll have to make ANOTHER trip down to do that one. Ugh!

    Then Wednesday night I have my annual meeting for my Livestock foundation. I have the overwhelming urge to volunteer again for the CLE/CWS workshop planning committee, as that was a blast last year.

    For now I am off to bed as I finally got the Hulk settled into sleep.

  207. elizabeth said

    Good morning ladies! Sorry I seemed to disappear after I left work, but I forgot I had someone coming over to talk to me about replacing some windows in my house. How disgusting is it that I have owned this house for 10 years (I’m the original owner) and so far I have had to replace the dishwasher, the kitchen faucets, the garbage disposal, the carpet and now windows that are becoming a problem?! 😦 Nothing seems to be built to last any more. BTW, who knew windows would cost a bloody fortune? I can only replace my bedroom, the two bathrooms and the sliding glass doors right now. The rest are going to have to wait for a later time. The good news is the new windows will insulate the house better; particularly since those windows get the blazing heat of the day. OK, TMI I’m sure, but I am still reeling from sticker shock!

    So, back to my favorite subject. What day are we going to start the discussion of Bad Juju?

    Sophia – living in an old Victorian house sounds delightful. I have always loved the look of those homes.

    Laurel – were you able to change your Mac class to tonight? If so, we can meet for coffee before if you would like to? If not, I am free up until the 6pm class so maybe we can get together and you can let me read your new project 🙂

  208. cdnfreyja said

    Good morning ladies! A little late in getting here. I was beat this week and managed to force myself out of bed at 10am this morning. I’m still tired … I think this is all related to the heat and no AC this week. The weather is changing today – the wind has changed direction and has picked up already.

    Hi Sophia – glad you’re back with us. As much as I liked picking up and moving to another country I actually hate the actual packing and moving part. I hated having to move while I was a student.

    Hi MM – the ladies here drift in and out depending on how busy they are in RL. No worries if you have important things to tend to in RL.

    Hey Elizabeth – my mom says the same things … and has said so many, many times! LOL

    And the weirdest news of the week – one of my friends is getting married at the end of May. She sent an e-mail to our small group of friends. One of them responded directly to me to let her know that she is bringing someone who is not her husband to the wedding. She didn’t say it like that, of course, just that they’ve separated … and they haven’t been married 4 years. She seems happy so I’m guessing this was the right decision. But that was definitely shocking.

  209. laurel said

    Wow, Freyja. News like that is always a shock. Of course it would really have been a shock if she’d just turned up with the new man.

    Sophia – A whole year in one place really sounds good when you have a period of packing and moving so often. I’ve managed to stay in one place for over nine years now. Some day I’ll have to unpack the rest of the boxes….. hehehe! 🙂

    MM – Girl! We can teach you to say NO! if you want us to. Well, some of us have learned how to do it. We’ve got your back!

    Elizabeth – I didn’t get the class changed because it wouldn’t let me move it backward (at least not on line) I was going to go to the store and see about changing it but I suspect there’s no way to do it for tonight. I’d love to meet you before class! I’m trying to coordinate schedules with Steve, but I’ll figure that out in the next hour and get back with you.

  210. cdnfreyja said

    Yes, Laurel, it would have been really awkward to see her show up at the wedding with some new guy wondering ‘where is your husband? and who is this?’. I’ll give her a call to get the details if she feels like sharing so that I don’t feel the need to ask those questions in front of the new guy! That would be really awkward. 😉

  211. laurel said

    Awkward and then some. I hope they plan to be answering a lot of questions at the wedding anyway. Having you call now might be a good ‘heads-up’ and a chance to get their story out in a positive way.
    It’s hard to see our friends making such big changes and wonder if they’re doing the right thing. I hope it has a happy ending.

  212. elizabeth said

    For those of you in the great Northwet – look outside – there is a strange golden orb in the sky! It is so bright it is making my eyes water….what is it? Any ideas? 😉 OK I know I am being silly, but seeing the sunshine is just lovely after all the overcast, cold, rainy days!

    Laurel – I’m sorry you couldn’t get your class changed, but I would still love to get together for coffee some time today if you can work it out. Do you have a new class scheduled for next week? If, let me know and I will try to schedule one at the same time. We will get this figured out eventually 🙂

  213. laurel said

    I have a Monday morning class that is supposed to tell me how to use .mac for sending scripts and edits between writers. I was thinking about taking it and then scheduling a second one like it for a time with you. I need to see how strict they are about leaving a week between classes. I should just go over there and see if I can work it out in person.
    Yeah, weird bright orb? Not sure, think I read about the phenomenon somewhere…
    Oh, E – go check your e-mail.

  214. cdnfreyja said

    Oh how I wish we could send you the orb and the heat we’ve been dealing with this week! With temperatures way above normal for this time of the year I’m dying from the heat. Luckily a cooler system is moving in and it will bring some cloud and rain with it. While the sun can be nice (I’m already getting a tan) the plants are in dire need of some moisture. And the city streets need a good washing too.

  215. laurel said

    Our plants popped up and then froze. Poor things. I’m so ready for a bit of warm weather, but we have more cool weather expected this next week. I’m still wearing a scarf with my coat, and two layers of clothes at all times. 😦

  216. cdnfreyja said

    Everything has leafed out really nicely this week. The daffodils are starting to bloom in some places. The crocus has already bloomed. The tulips aren’t far behind – the Tulip Festival starts May 2nd. But we’re expecting some cold weather this next week. Tuesday and Wednesday they’re forecasting only 5 or 6 Celcius above with a possibility of ‘snow showers’. So, I’m not sure how those tulips are going to show up on the first day of the festival. LOL

  217. Freyja- our tulip festival is right now, though from what I hear there aren’t as many tulips as ‘normal’ thanks to our schizoid weather.

    E- I see you’re bright sunny orb and raise you a 70 degree day. It was BROILING here today.

    Laurel- I have just one committee I am on and this one is fun, meets once a month for 7-8 months than switches to once a week when we get closer into January. The thing I need to say no to is the ‘officer’ position that they are offering me. I do NOT need to be taking THAT on for a year.

    Tomorrow we’re going to squeeze in our last fire of the year, before our county officially becomes sucksville. Apparently the big mucky mucks down in the city decided that all us country folk are polluting the air with our ‘constant and destructive burning’ so they passed a PERMENANT burn ban that goes into effect later this year.

  218. laurel said

    MM – I totally relate to the “last fire of the year”. My folks live in Yakima County and have to stop burning too. Only with special permits can they even have a fire in the fireplace. When they couldn’t get a permit two years in a row they converted the fireplace to natural gas. It’s pretty, but not the same.
    You can’t even roast marshmallows around a campfire anymore. 😦
    Oh, well. I really do like having clean air to breath. After living in LA for a few years I figure I’ve had my lifetime supply of soot and smog.
    Our tulip festival is about over, and the irises should be in full swing by Mothers’ Day, but I think they’re going to be late this year. I have tulips blooming in the yard but didn’t notice them until the sun came out for a while today.

  219. Ug. It would really suck if they banned fires out where I’m at. Luckily, we’re in the country, so we can still have bonfires in the summer, and use our wood burning stove in the winter–saves a bunch on heating. And woodsmoke smells a hundred times better than say, the burn off from natural gas or other fuel sources, if you ask me. It’s probably better for the environment, too, since it involves no mining or piping, and it’s a renewable source. Most of our wood comes from friends and neighbors who had dead wood on their property.

  220. cdnfreyja said

    Just got back from the store. I have no inclination to cook and I wouldn’t be spending any time in the kitchen this week (too hot) except I have to make something for book club. I’m making a spinach and artichoke dip for with pita crackers and who knew that frozen spinach was such a popular item this week. Geez, did some TV chef feature a spinach dish causing a run on frozen spinach? I had to hunt just to find 2 packages. And how did I end up spending so much on groceries this week? Yikes.

  221. Sounds yummy, Freyja. I’m still catching up on all the food I missed in Italy.

  222. Laurel- I remember my childhood summers spent over that aways, fondly, but of course that was back before burning became paramount to terrorism over there. We spent many a long summers up in Entiat, and one year actually drove THROUGH one of the fires(we didn’t realize it at the time). I remember being able to look out my parents window at our house in the ‘city’ and seeing the glow over the hilltops, if the fire was big enough(which is freaky when you consider we were on the WEST side of the mountains).

    Sophia- we live out in the country too, but unfortunantly our county seat is down in the ‘city’. We are a world away from them yet they make all the BIG decisions for us that they feel are ‘good’. We can still have wood stove fires, but no outdoor burning. Ought to be interesting to see how THAT plays out.

  223. laurel said

    I’m afraid I’m not going to be here much today.
    I’ve got plenty to do before my mother-in-law comes to spend a week with my girls so that Hubby and I can go to a conference. Who knew how much work that would be?
    Of course, all of our drains have suddenly got the ‘slows’ so we have drain cleaner pouring toxic fumes throughout the house. Yuk.
    Windows open… doors ajar… 😦

  224. rifkind said

    Ok remind me again what the date is… April 27th… and we are STILL seeing snowflakes out the window.. URGH!! I thought it was supposed to be spring one of these days!
    I suppose once the work week arrives, then it will be all sunny and warm!
    Oh well, days like today make me want to sit at home under a blanket and stay warm..
    Worked with WildStar on her book, yesterday and this morning… and hope to get some more done on our book too….
    *waves* Hi everyone! I hope that you have better weather than I am having!

  225. cdnfreyja said

    Rif – they just changed the forecast this afternoon. No more predictions of snowshowers this week. Just crappy rain.

    And I made the mistake of trying some of the finished dip – I didn’t want to stop eating! Not good right before supper.

    On the topic of fire, we had wood burning fireplaces in our 2 previous houses. Loved it! And could get firewood from the farm. But when my parents moved they went natural gas. Nice but not the same. I miss the smell of burning wood as we’re approaching our house. *sigh*

    And fire outside the home, let’s see. There’s forest fire (and the lovely stinky smoke it generates and sends south when the wind is right), stubble burning fire in the fall thanks to the farmers, garbage burning fire when people do what they’re not allowed to do. And they all smell different. Outdoor fire bans in town – yes, we had those but for good reason. On the prairie where it can get extremely dry, these things can quickly get out of control spreading into major grass fires that are extremely tricky to put out.

    And I can tell the difference between a blooming canola field and a blooming mustard field just by smell – they look almost the same so unless you get up and personal with the plants or you learn to smell the difference, you won’t know which is which. Growing up in a small rural community you get to experience it all! Unfortunately, this skill is useless in the city – not too many fields around. LOL

    My friend who grew up in downtown TO laughs at me because I can smell so many different things that she can’t or doesn’t know about. She said one day on our way home after work after I commented that it smelled like a pulp and paper mill, ‘how do you know all this stuff?’. Ummm, because I just do. LOL

  226. elizabeth said

    I am just popping in for a minute…how cool is that? I can pop in on the weekend! Okay, I am a nerd, but the computer is just so much fun. I got to actually spend a little time in the Hen house chat room yesterday, plus Laurel and I had a video chat going on at the same time! It was a good day 🙂

    I spent some time in my garden today. I have grass growing in the flower beds, but my lawn is nothing but moss and weeds. what is up with that, I ask you?! I spent several hours out there trying to make some headway and truly it doesn’t look like I did a thing! I guess I am going to have to try and carve out some serious gardening time over the next couple of weeks before it gets so far ahead of me there is no hope for it.

  227. Freyja- I understand that one. I can tell the difference between different kinds of peas at a glance from 10 feet in the air. That may have something to do with the fact I spent the last two summers working 13 hour nights, running PSC’s(Pod Stripping Combines) for our big ‘agricultural company’ in town. Its funny though because the boys on my crew could NOT tell the difference, and were always needing help with their machines, whereas I would have a problem, stop, fix it and be on my way before the foreman knew something was wrong. There is one particular night that stands out in my mind from last summer(well two actually but one I’m not allowed to talk about).

    So we were in this field and we were ‘spot cutting’ meaning we were cutting part of the field but not all of it. Thankfully we were cutting the back half, as true ‘spot cuts’ are a pain in the patoot. So we got the part divided up into our ‘lands'(rows) and I was off doing ‘scut work'(cleaning up corners, and whatnot) well when I got done I went and ‘hopped in’ with another machine, well the foreman pulled that machine off, sent them off, so I finished up on that piece and repeated the process again for a couple hours. Finally I got on this piece that hadn’t been picking well for the machine ahead of me, so was expecting a long slooooow slog through it to get full(the bins hold about 2000 LBS of peas) well I got going, and next thing I know I’m full. So I dump into the truck get going again and BAM! am full again, this goes on for a while, and by the end of the land I ended up dumping into the same truck 5 times. Mind you each truck holds about 8 bins worth of peas, and there were 3 machines running on this field. It was crazy!

    So we had our fire today, I’m currently playing with some of the pictures I snapped, during it. So glad that we got the unmentionables burned as I didn’t want to have to deal with some of the other disposal methods. Well I’m off to grab a shower and wash off the wood smoke smell *sighs sadly*

  228. I love being home. The last two days I’ve been catching up with Dr. Who on Sci Fi. Been watching reruns that I’ve never seen before (I only started watching last year). Love the episodes with Jack!

  229. Linda said

    Sophia — I love Dr. Who and Torchwood. I have been trying to catch up on the very first season. I ordered the dvds from Netflix, but haven’t had a chance to watch them all. Have you seen the one where the Doctor, Captain Jack and Martha save the world?

    Also, I see where Billie Piper, who played Rose Tyler on Doctor Who, is starring in a Showtime movie or series called Secrets of a Call Girl. They are billing her as “British Sensation, Billie Piper!”

  230. Dani said

    I’m baaaaaaack! I don’t have time to catch up on the posts so if there is anything important let me know. I will get pictures of my Florida trip up ASAP!

  231. elizabeth said

    Hi Dani – welcome back! I hope your trip to Florida was awesome!

  232. Linda–
    No, I’ve only seen one episode from the most recent season. The episodes I’m referring to involve the Doctor (Christopher…Ecclestic is it? I know it starts Ecc. You’d think I’d pay more attention to the credits during this marathon!), Rose, and Jack facing off against the Daleks on Satalite 5. I cried. I love Rose and wish she hadn’t been written off. And I’m so sad they left Jack behind! I want to know how he ended up in the 21st century now.

    Haven’t come across Torchwood yet. Need to check the listings. And I really want to see the Sarah Jane series now.

    Oop, commercial break is over. *runs back to tv*

  233. rifkind said

    Hey All!
    Just a quick fly-by during lunch… ok a bit late lunch.. that’s work for ya!
    I just saw this on WordPress

    Apparently the “I Can Has Cheezburger” blog has gotten a book deal!
    Who knew that blogging could lead to getting published?
    I am sure that the book will have lots of fun cat macros!

  234. Linda said

    Sophia — I haven’t see a lot of the early ones with Christoer Eggleston (?), mostly I have seen the ones with David Tennant. I too wonder how Jack got back to the 21st century.

    I have seen on epi of the Sarah Jane series, and to be honest, was not really hooked on it. I will watch it some more to give it a chance.

    Rif — I love that site. I will definitely buy the book.

    Dani – Can’t wait to see your pics!

  235. Dani said

    Here are the pics. Enjoy! Time for me to head home!


  236. laurel said

    For all things Dr Who and Torchwood we need our resident expert – Gypsy! She is amazing at remembering all the facts and factoids that get thrown out to us in the episodes. I have the first two seasons of Dr. Who on Disc if you have any specific questions, and I have Torchwood season one.

  237. laurel said

    Dani – The pics are wonderful! At least you remember to use the camera when you go. I carried ours all over the place and came home with a grand total of two pictures last time we went to Seattle.
    Oh, well.


  238. Linda said

    Laurel — You sound like me. I carry a camera, but get so absorbed, I forget to use it. lol!

  239. laurel said

    And then I wonder why on earth I lugged the darn thing around! I do have a fairly bulky camera, but hubby has a smaller one that he almost lets me touch. I know he carries it around and forgets to take pictures of anything but the latest fish he caught.

  240. Before today, I had only seen the first series with David Tennant. Honestly, I like him better than the other guy, but I’m still hooked. And was it just my imagination, or when everyone is crowding into the elevator in “Parting of ways,” preparing to go fight, was David among those going to fight? I thought I saw his face in the right hand corner (white shirt) but maybe I was mistaken. There was another guy in a white shirt that showed up later, and maybe it was him instead. I only saw him for about half a second.

    I’m perhaps getting a little obsessed. But I’ve just been through four months of no tv or radio and limited internet. I have a lot of catching up to do.

  241. laurel said

    Ooooh, I love a good quest! I’ll have to get back to you on that scene in “Parting of the Ways.” Hmmmm
    It may take me a while. 😎

  242. Wildstar said

    Ok – I’ll go catch up on the posts in a sec – but I just had to say…

    DING DONG the Be-yatch is GONE!!!! la la la

    if you may recall in the sage of the receptionist from ….well she had last Friday off and today off to train for her new job – uh ‘scuss me thie Friday is her last day…right?
    Well at 4:50 this afternoon the office manager gets an email from her…”I won’t be coming back this week – I have too much training for my new job – I’ll try to bring the keys back Friday…”
    I said Hell no! I want the keys back tomorrow…

    So when I left work the office manger was emailing HR – hopefully we can get the young lady that tempted today for the rest of the week – she said she was available….
    now we begin the real fun stuff – finding a replacemtn that wants to work!
    The other office manger (ok acctually they are refered to as “team leaders”) anyway her mother works with a program that takes people who – for one reson or another – have had a life altering event – loss of spouse, loss of job such as the compnay folds, things like that – anyway these people need jobs but have in most cases no skills what so ever – they get three months training and then they can start going on interviews – so we my interview a few people from this program and see if we can find someone who is just so happy to have a job that they WANT to learn hoe to do things, and are EGAER to be part of a team…I maybe hoping for a lot – but hay I’d be happy with someone who can answer the phone clearly and with a cheerfull dispostion even if its forced!

    ok enough of that…
    now off to catch up on the posts and then I’ll be back…,

  243. Wildstar said

    my my my – you guys have been busy –

    I havent’ had a chance to start watching Bad JuJu yet – but I will start by saying I love the scene where Vicki stabs the zombie and lamost gets Henry
    “Bad idea! Bad idea!”

    hee hee hee

    well I have my freind on the phone now – poor thing – shes having “issues” so I’m going to log out – I really need to pay attention to what she says so I don’t go “Uh -huh” at the wrong time…

    sorry that was bad – talk at you lovely ladies later!!!!

  244. Wildstar said

    well I had planned on sticking around – but its starting to storm – again – so I’m out for the night!

    talk at you tomorrow!

  245. laurel said

    Wow, everyone went to bed already? Nuts.

    Tomorrow – Bad Juju?


  246. cdnfreyja said

    Hey everyone, a little slower in the office today. And colder outside – it felt like fall except the flowers are blooming! I’ve got book club tonight so I won’t be able to rewatch until tomorrow but it doesn’t mean that I can’t talk about the episode. If it involved BT I can talk about it!

  247. Linda said

    I have an observation about bad Juju. Henry is always going on and on about the evils of magic and the dark arts. In the bar scene he uses magic to “fix” Vicki’s martini. I know that it seems harmless, but Henry usually takes the position that all magic is evil. Did anyone else find that incongruent?

    Love Hurts was the first epi filmed, and it was much lighter than most of the others, but that felt off to me.

  248. laurel said

    I think this is where having different writers doing separate episodes really shows. Things like attitudes about magic vs dark arts…. maybe a matter of interpretation about what is harmless and what isn’t. I
    n Blood Price Henry searches for the next location of the demon and has to specifically us a spell and some kind of summoning. But fixing a martini? Not so much power. It may be that he has a small amount of his own power that he doesn’t have to “pay” for.

  249. Linda said

    That’s true, he did use a spell to find the demon. I remember he made a big deal about not wanting to do it. Remember, he asked Vicki if she wanted to leave? she was looking at him like “for what!?!”

    Maybe in Bad Juju, he was showing off a little and thought it was worth whatever compromise to his soul.

    I think Henry’s view of magic is a bit narrow, but perhaps better safe than sorry. lol!

  250. That’s one thing that I don’t like about Henry (the only thing, really): all magic and magic users aside from himself must be evil. I love him to bits, but he can be so narrow minded on the magic issue–if we ever met, he’d probably kill me because I’m a magic-using, tarot-reading, earth-worshiping pagan.

  251. Linda said

    I have the most beautiful set of tarot cards based on celtic/goddess/arthurian symbols. I don’t know if I am using them correctly, but I like looking at them.

  252. laurel said

    I suspect that Henry’s been “burned” by magic enough times to know that the seductive power of it tends to draw in all the ‘wrong’ people, and things.
    I think Henry has a great respect for magic and those who study it and practice it. As long as you’re not out trying to take over the world…. He did trust Maurice – who was a powerful practitioner trying to protect the world from demonic influences.
    Blood magic vs Earth magic? Big difference. “I only use magic to defeat magic.”

    When I’m writing about magic it’s always got to have a price, and it can’t be the solution to everything. Magic is not the only way to achieve success, and may be the least desirable method.
    “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

  253. elizabeth said

    Linda – I think some of Henry’s attitude about the “dark arts” has to do with the time period he was born into. People viewed magic or powers as being very evil. He is also deeply religious and that also colors how he views things I think.

  254. laurel said

    Oh dear, we’re supposed to be discussing “Bad JuJu” and I suddenly found myself watching “Norman” again. hehe

    I notice Henry talks about his latest “book” he writes about magic.
    Vicki – “It’s beautiful. What’s it about?”
    Henry – “Passion, politics, good and evil. Technology and magic, and a woman in search of her own destiny.”
    Vicky – “Well, will you let me read it when it’s done?
    Henry – “Well, maybe you can help me come up with an ending.”

  255. laurel said

    I think I’ve found a new favorite line in this one.

    Vicki – “We’ll protect you. And, we’ll help you find your brother.”
    Henry – (stepping away) “Vicki…. A word? Please?” (Whispers) “You don’t know what you’re promising. Keeping that girl alive is one thing but going up against a powerful voodoo? Is suicide.”
    Vicki – “She needs our help.”
    Henry – “She almost got you killed.”
    Vick – “That’s not her fault.”
    Henry – “You gonna keep doing this?”
    Vicki – “What?”
    Henry – “Coming up with an answer for everything I say?”
    Vicki – (Shrugs) “Only if you keep saying things.”

    Hehehe – I love that last part. Sums it all up. 🙂

  256. elizabeth said

    That is what I like about Vicki. She is a strong woman who isn’t afraid to say what she thinks! I also like that she knows Henry’s nature, but won’t let it get in her way.

  257. Linda said

    E — Yes, Sinead mentions that in Deadly Departed. She says that she has a more enlightened view of the art of magic than Henry.

    Laurel — I like that exchange too.

    After Vicki is cursed by whatsername, Henry has to go home before dawn. Did you notice when he lies down in bed, he curls up on his side in a fetal position. Normally Henry is shown sleeping on his back. Probably because it is more dramatic for his awakening. I thought his doing that showed just how distressed he was over what was happening.

    I also liked the part where he finally explains to Vicki what happened to him in Haiti and why he is so afraid of voodoo. Kyle looks so haunted and distressed.

  258. laurel said

    I’ll have to go finish watching this one. I only got part way through and missed the sleeping fetal position part. Poor baby, that would be really tough knowing there was nothing he could do for so many hours, and knowing it might cost her life. 😦

    I just discovered that Torchwood is now available on iTunes and I have been downloading a few of them. If only they’d get Doctor Who on there….
    I can’t afford all of them, but there are a few I’d like to have to carry around.


  259. cdnfreyja said

    Ummm Linda? Did you really mean Kyle … or Henry? Because it is easy to confuse the two sometimes! LOL

  260. elizabeth said

    Laurel – I am having a real brain freeze right now, but when does Doctor Who come on (which night and time). I was searching through the menu last night and didn’t see a new episode on BBC.

  261. laurel said

    E – “Doctor Who” is now appearing on SciFi Channel on Friday nights, right after “The Sara Jane Adventures.”

  262. Linda said

    I meant Kyle, the way he portrayed Henry. I meaning to comment on the depth of Kyle’s ability to evoke Henry’s emotions. After I posted that and re-read it, it did sound like I had them confused. lol!

  263. elizabeth said

    Laurel – thanks for the doctor Who update. Why did I forget that all of a sudden? Arrrggghhh. Too many things going on, I guess. That is what happens when I have the system set up to automatically program things…I forget when they are actually on until they show up on the DVR. Since my hard drive crashed on the other one I am trying to remember what I had programmed and what channel it is on. 😦

  264. laurel said

    Glad I could help!

    I finally got all the way through Bad Juju and was surprised by how much I liked it after all this time. It was never one of my favorites, but I think I like the softer feelings that Henry, Vicki and even Mike show in this one. Mike is friendlier (and Dylan looks more well rested than in later episodes). Vicki’s relationship to both men is almost sweeter, happier. Henry is more patient with her danger-junky ways. Even Correen is funnier – like when she prompts Henry to go with Vicki – using only body language and eyes.

  265. elizabeth said

    I liked the part where he shoots her a look and then closes the door with all that attitude. Too funny. He clearly showed his irritation at her high handedness. I also liked the end where Henry tries to give Vicki the Voodoo doll. She kisses him on the cheek and he looks a little bemused by the whole thing. I like that he watches her walk away (and trip over a headstone).

    I also like the whole “salt” thing. I can only paraphrase because I am at work and not playing the scene “I am trying to kill them, Correen…not season them.” Loved it!

  266. laurel said

    I think that’s the quote! I love that. And I too love the look he gives her after the almost kiss at the cemetery.

    I find that I am now in the center of a major hail-storm. Pea-sized hail but with a driving wind and it just gets heavier and heavier. We may end up with a couple of inches of icy bits all over. The temperature just dropped eight degrees in a matter of minutes.

  267. elizabeth said

    Good grief! What is up with the weather. It isn’t hailing here, but it sure has gotten dark in a hurry.

  268. laurel said

    Really. really dark. It just stopped but my yard and everything are covered in white. Pretty, if it weren’t the end of April.

  269. cdnfreyja said

    LOL Linda!

    I too love the ‘door closing incident’. That was perfectly played by everyone. Henry’s ‘why should I bother to get involved’, Coreen’s ‘what are you doing standing there, go after her buddy’, and Henry’s attitude as he closes the door! I’ve done that myself.

  270. laurel said

    I can so relate to that – Run back in the door to get something that you may not need but now that you’ve thought of it you’d better take it with you… bang goes the door.
    I don’t think I ever went back for salt though.

  271. Linda said

    Henry’s wrist flick when he closed the door, along with the look he gives Coreen were hilarious!

  272. Wildstar said

    hey my lovelies!!!
    just caught up on the posts – I really need to watch BadJuJu – I’m a little behind… 😦

    hell of a day at work – too much to vent on – so I won’t….needless to say my one co-worker was almost in tears with frustration and she was starting to make me very reactive…so between the two of us – OMG!

    then as I’m walking out the door I hear someone call wait! and I ran for the eleveator – damned if he didn’t catch me (Damn slow elevators) anyway I told him flat out – I’m going to miss my bus I am not coming to look at your computer – if you can explain it on the ride to the lobby – fine …stupid A$$ – it was a BASIC Excel question – how do I change the size when its printing – duh! got to page set up and change the page size % – bye! grrrrr and that was just the frosting on the cake

    at least I just made my train and just made the bus – so I made it home and sunk into t babble bath for about a half hour to calm down…

    so Bad Juju…..I love the way Vicki has to fuss at Henry for going after the bartender….sorry I can’t remember the line but she mumbles somehthing about “not doing that”

  273. Wildstar said

    “don’t trust the movies…Look what they did to Vampires.”

    “How many times do Ihave to tell you – Don’t bite the Bartender”
    “I was only playing.”

    hee hee hee hee

  274. Wildstar said

    oh and the scene with Henry rolling over in the fetal postion to sleep – wrapping tha blanket around him – just make syouwant to hug him

    Usually he has time to change and get into bed – that time really showed how much trouble he was having with what was going on..

  275. Wildstar said

    ok – I’m here alone?

  276. Wildstar said

    well i thnk I’m going to log out and work on some writting…talk at you later

  277. I’ll have to try and squeeze Bad JuJu in tonight, after NCIS’ new episode.

    So got a bit of good news today we went down to children’s and saw Kenzie’s urologist, and he gave her the ‘all clear’ and released her from care! Yeah! We have been dealing with her bladder and kidney issues since she was 3 months old(she is now just over 2 years old) so it is a HUGE weight off my shoulders.

    Oh and I have a huge favor to ask ladies, if you could pop by my blog and take a look at the pictures there, I am trying to decide on a new(and quite dramatic) hair cut.

  278. Linda said

    wildstar — sorry I missed you. I just got home.

    I also like when the bartender asks them what they want, Vicki says “a beer”, then she looks at Henry and says “and him, you don’t want to know.”

    I don’t know what I was thinking when I brought up that scene this morning where Henry fixes Vicki drink with magic. I know it’s from Love Hurts, I just wasn’t focused on the correct discussion.

  279. *squee*

    I just upgraded from a generation 1 Ipod nano to one of the new ones with video. Now my Blood ties can come on the road with me! Well, it will soon. Right now I have Across the Universe on there, but it’s only a rental. I still need to download/watch Bad JuJu. I think I’ll download it now so that it’s ready for tomorrow. I have several season one gaps to fill…

  280. Soooo I could of SWORE I posted a comment earlier. I’m going to rewatch Bad JuJu tonight and chime in about it tomorrow(or possibly later tonight we’ll see).

    Also Miss. Kenzie had her 1 year post-op follow up with her Urologist, and we got the ‘all clear’ *does happy excited, estatic dance* That means we don’t have to go back and see him ever ever again unless she starts having more UTI’s or I decide to reproduce again(as this is an inherited condition).

    Oh, and over on my blog I’m running a hair poll so if you have a moment between now and midnight Thursday, drop by and share your thoughts.

  281. cdnfreyja said

    Linda, I don’t care that you brought up the bar scene. I LOVE that scene – it is intense with Henry trying to push the envelope and Vicki using her abrasiveness as a shield to push him away.

    And I’ll have an opportunity to actually watch the episode tomorrow. Now that I’m finished with book club I can finish the book at my own speed. And I can then go back to some fluff. Nothing wrong with fluff, although my sister would disagree. But when you have my job (dealing with murder cases) you know a little fluff and cheese are a good thing … as long as you don’t try to eat fluff and cheese together! LOL

    Okay, be back tomorrow to discuss ‘Bad JuJu’.

  282. laurel said

    Souffle” ? Fluff and Cheese? Or were you talking more like Cheeto type stuff?

    Bad Juju – I was re-watching and noticed something during/after the “Bad idea! Bad idea!” scene. Was Henry injured? I didn’t see any marks on his white shirt as they were leaving the building, but afterward he was holding his hand over his chest like he’d taken some damage. And excuse me, but If it had been me instead of Vicki I’d have had to make sure the poor dear was okay. I mean, shouldn’t she have done an inspection so determine the extent of the damage?
    I think she missed an opportunity to see his bare chest (and kiss it better?).
    I’m just sayin’.


  283. Dani said

    Hi ladies! Whats up?!

    I will make a big time effort to watch Bad Juju tonight. I promise. The scene where Vicki stakes the zombie dude and almost stakes Henry is one of my fondest Henry sounding vampy moments. You know how his voice changes when he says “Bad idea! Bad idea!” I’m not sure why that is one of my fondest. It’s really wierd. It’s probably because it’s the first time I noticed the voice change.

  284. laurel said

    Dani, I have a challenge question to ask about this one, but I’ll wait until tomorrow to give everyone one last chance to watch and prepare. Of course, that assumes I can remember the question for that long. 😛

  285. Dani said

    Write it down! I swear I tell my sisters that and they still forget whatever they need to remember. It annoys the hell out of me. Not that it will with you. ;P

  286. cdnfreyja said

    Now I feel like I have to take notes during the rewatching of the episode to be prepared for discussion and challenge questions. I had one and I wrote it down … but I need to find it.

  287. Linda said

    Laurel — He was definitely rubbing his chest afterwards where he almost got staked. I don’t think he was really injured, maybe nicked a little. Had I been Vicki I definitely would have kissed and made it better. A golden opportunity if there ever was one!

  288. Rewatching Bad Juju right now.

    An updated on the little Dr. Who bit I mentioned yesterday–I asked my once and future roommate Alice if she had seen that episode, and she confirmed that it was indeed David Tennant in the elevator. It’s her hypothesis that that’s where the Doctor got the face for his regeneration later.

    I might have been watching a little too much Dr. Who lately. I started a fanfic. I’ll put it up on my blog when it’s done.

    This isn’t my favorite episode, but…

    Vicki: “How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t bit the bartender.”
    Henry: “I was only playing…”

    Hee hee. ^^

  289. laurel said

    No such thing as too much Dr Who!!

    This from the lady who’s watched “5:55” more than 40 times. (No I’m not keeping track any more, and I’m not admitting to the number at which I stopped counting).

  290. Dani said

    Maybe Henry wasn’t wounded and just bruised. Either way I could kiss and lick his chest better.

  291. Linda said

    Sophia — What a cool detail about Dr. Who!

    I am not wild about his latest traveling companion. She is the one from the Runaway Bride episode. Perhaps I will like her better as time goes by.

  292. laurel said

    Sophia – Where do I find your Dr.Who fanfic?
    There are a few of us here who write fanfic for several things. I even know of one in our group who writes Torchwood/Dr. Who stuff and it’s wonderful.

    There is a whole writers’ site dedicated to it too. I’ve only read a couple but they were pretty darn good. Most require that you have viewed up to a certain point however.
    Back to Bad Juju – That opening scene… Who on earth would drink that concoction they tried to give Vicki? Rum, Anisette, Molasses, some African Herbs and a little Tree Frog. “A little bit of Tree Frog or a little, whole tree frog?” 😦

  293. Linda said

    Eeek, not me. I have a hard and fast rule against the consumption of tree frogs. lol!

  294. Okay, who wants cookies while I go try and get Bad Juju watched? I forgot that tonights big meeting was potluck. So I had to whip something up, so made no bake chocolate coconut cookies.

  295. cdnfreyja said

    Okay, found my discussion question. When Coreen is asking about the love juju, who does she want to make it for? … Discuss …

  296. elizabeth said

    I always thought she wanted it for Henry. She is looking in his direction and simpering a little when she asks about it.

  297. Linda said

    I thought so too. She comments that she is trying to attract a much older man. Henry would definitely qualify as much older.

  298. Laurel–I’ll be posting it on my blog (, but it isn’t finished yet. It’ll be two parts, and I’ll post them individually. I’ll let you know when it’s done. I’ve written the first scene, and I have the lyrics down–I used to write a lot on, mostly anime song fiction (that’s a story set to the lyrics of a song, if you don’t know). I’m doing this much the same way. I feel a little nervous about it, though, because I’m so new to Dr. Who and haven’t really watched much, maybe a season and a half, scattered and out of order. And I’m a huge Doctor x Rose fan…eep.

    Sorry, I’m off topic again. I keep talking about Doctor Who instead of Blood Ties.

  299. laurel said

    I learn so much here! Hehehe Anime song fiction? New one to me.

    Love Juju must be for Henry. That’s what any of us would have used it for. Am I right? Simpering…. yes that’s a good word for Correen’s reactions.
    MM – Cookies! I made some too. Chewy Molasses Ginger Crinkles. Secret family recipe. 🙂

  300. Love Juju and Henry…ah…*daydreams*

    My mom made cupcakes. Chocolate mocha mint. She hasn’t even made the icing and they’re already half gone.

  301. laurel said

    Yummm!!! I think I may need that recipe – If you are willing to share?

  302. I could probably steal it from my mom–I don’t really cook unless it comes prepackaged with explicate directions on the back. I’ll ask.

  303. Choca mocha mint cake:

    2 cups flour
    1 2/3 cup sugar
    1 1/3 cup water
    2/3 cup softened butter or margerine
    3 eggs
    2 teaspoons instant coffee
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1/2 teaspoon double acting baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/4 cup cocoa

    bake about 35 minutes at 350 F in a greased pan that has been floured with cocoa.

    16 oz powdered sugar
    1/2 cup butter
    1/4 cup cocoa
    1/4 cup water
    1teaspoon instant coffee
    1teaspoon vanilla
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon mint (can bad added to either frosting or cake, but not to both. We usually put it in the frosting).

    Mom said she found the recipe in a magazine about 20 years ago and just added the mint, so she can’t really take the credit. Still, it’s a local favorite.

  304. cdnfreyja said

    Okay, I answered my own question with this exchange at Vicki’s office … and Henry isn’t there at the time:

    Coreen: Angelique, I think I still need a little help with my love juju
    Angelique: Comment?
    Coreen: Say I was trying to attract a man, much older than myself but who doesn’t look it. He’s incredibly attractive. A real night owl. Would I be better off using aloes or acacia? Maybe I should just use both.

    Pretty clear it’s Henry, at least to me. But Coreen got over Ian pretty quickly, eh?

    I have to say I don’t particularly like the way they styled Henry’s hair in this episode. Maybe they were trying different things out every episode because it does change a fair bit in the first few episodes.

  305. laurel said

    Sophia – Thank you! These sound yummy! I may have to make them soon.

    Freyja – I agree about Henry’s hair. It just isn’t quite right. I found myself distracted by it a couple of times but couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong with it.

  306. It’s not the greatest, but I really hated his hair, make up, and costume in the gallery opening during Drawn and Quartered. Although Alice and I did laugh quite a bit about his rhinestone leather pants.

  307. cdnfreyja said

    Laurel, I think it is pulled to far out of his face. He looks better with it somewhat forward – you see that at the beginning of the episode when he’s busy drawing and Vicki shows up. It also looks better in Blood Price.

    And yes Sophia, the rhinestone leather pants … I think we’ve come up with a few variations to name those! LOL Wasn’t sparkle or sparkly pants one of them?

  308. Dani said

    No it was studded *ahem* you know the word but I will not go there on here. I wasn’t crazy about the hair in D&Q either but I loved the eyeliner. Oh and the pants!

    So I didn’t get to watch Bad Juju last night. I was just getting home about to change into my comfy Tink pj bottoms I just got from Disney World and pop Bad Juju in the DVD player when Chris called. She needed me to stay with the kids because Ry had been having chest pains for over a week. They were so bad he couldn’t breathe but he didn’t say anything and he was hiding it from her. He finally told her yesterday because he couldn’t take it anymore but he said he wasn’t going to the hospital until Friday which is total bullshit because his insurance from his former job expired at midnight last night. Plus who knows what might have happened between yesterday and Friday. So anyway the ER told him he would live. I don’t know what was actually wrong. They wouldn’t say.

    My niece Alli made me cry last night because she asked me to make her some pictures. I have been dabbling in drawing for over a year now. I had just gotten some artist pastels and I wanted to try them out. She asked me to make her a sunset which I thought was pretty bangarang. The cloud apparently looked like an elephant to everybody. Anyway she then wanted a daffodil which to me was pretty awesome for never having done one before and never using the pastels but she laughed and on top of already feeling like I’m not good at anything I do and feeling like an idiotic failure it just made me lose my cool. God I hope Arrowyn doesn’t read this. She will be all over me.

  309. Dani said

    And now I went to put some easy mac in the microwave and forgot to put the water in it and almost burnt the building down. What is wrong with me?!

    Today isn’t a good day.

  310. laurel said

    It’ll get better dear! Just hang in there.
    Btw, I’ve done that same thing with the Easy Mac. Smells terrible. Ewwww. Almost as bad as burnt popcorn. 🙂

    You aren’t getting away with talking about my friend Dani like that either!
    I bet Ali thought you’d laugh with her, I’m sorry she hurt your feelings by her reaction. I’d love to see your artwork, I’m sure you did better with the pastels than i would.

    Love ya’ sis!

  311. laurel said

    So, todays question for the Bad Juju viewers….

    In which scene do Henry’s eyes stay dark long after his voice returns to normal?

  312. Linda said

    I apologize, because I haven’t had a chance to watch this again recently. I watched it several times after it first aired. Was is the scene where Henry had almost been staked by Vicki and they were walking outside. She was saying, “I almost got you staked.” And he says something like, “You are new to this world, you can’t comprehend the dangers.” Seems like I noticed that his eyes were still dark, but his voice normal during that exchange.

  313. Dani said

    I can take pictures of what I did and see if they come out. I will do it tonight.

    I have to think about that one. I have to try and remember when he vamped in Bad Juju.

  314. Dani said

    That’s the only scene that popped into my head that he vamped in.

  315. Dani said

    And I think it is worse then burnt popcorn. That I can handle.

  316. cdnfreyja said

    Dani, I have days like that except mine usually involve multiple physical injuries. lol

    Henry also vamped out when Vicki went over to his place to ask about the creature she saw. You know the one where he grabs her, whips her around and tells her not to take him lightly and not to forget what he is? I noticed while watching last night that it did take slightly longer for his eyes to return to normal than maybe it should have but I don’t think this answers Laurel’s question.

    And my own personal favourite from that scene:
    *Henry opens door*
    Henry: I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away.
    Vicki: You’re one of those guys who’s just riddled with nagging self-doubt aren’t you?
    Henry: I have a fair opinion of myself and hundreds of years of positive reinforcement.

  317. cdnfreyja said

    And who mentioned the scene where they find Angelique’s hiding place and the dialogue goes like this:
    Henry: Are you going to keep doing this?
    Vicki: What?
    Henry: Coming up with an answer for everything I say.
    Vicki: Only if you keep saying things.

    I LOVE that because I would totally say that! lol

  318. Oh my, Dani! As an artist, I can totally relate to that. And I’ve done that exact same thing, only with cup-o-soup ramen. At work. Styrofoam smells really bad when it catches fire.

  319. Linda said

    Freyja — I love that dialogue too. (The one about being riddled with nagging self -doubt.)

  320. Elizabeth said

    I am about ready to throw this laptop against my office wall! I spent the first hour this morning on the phone talking to our outsourced support (don’t even get me started on that subject!) 😦 Everytime another security patch it send it messes up some of my applications. I never know what is going to be affected from one day to the next. Way to make my job easier!! OK, vent over for the moment *sigh*

    Dani – Don’t take what your neice said so much to heart. Art is very subjective and kids don’t always recognize that what they say is hurtful. All of us have insecurities about our abilities – particularly when it is something new. Just keep drawing and improving and as long as you are happy with what you are producing then your inner artist is being satisfied. It’s just like writing. It is hard to put our work out there for others to look at and feedback can be hard to listen to, but the bottom line is you still have to write what you want. Does that make sense?

    I have to say that I did kind of like Henry’s hair in D&Q. The straighter look, the eyeliner and the pant 🙂 all kind of worked together. I don’t like it when his hair is flattened and more behind his ears. I love the wild curls.

  321. Dani said

    I’m not sure if I can call myself an artist per say but then again since I have done several pictures I guess I can. The ones I did recently with the pastels were totally out of my head. I have done several in the past year or more following instructions from a book with colored pencils.

  322. Dani said

    I understand E. I’m hearing you.

  323. Elizabeth said

    Dani – good 🙂 I think it is wonderful that you are drawing. I have absolutely no talent in that arena, but my daughter and son definately can draw. You keep at it and enjoy that form of expression.

  324. laurel said

    Okay, I have to laugh at myself. Yesterday I came up with the question for today and – on the really good advise of my sisters – wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget. 🙂
    I should have done the same with the answer. hehe
    Now I have to go hunt down the scene. It’s going to take me a while.

    I’m back in the middle of writing this new story, but I keep looking for things to side track me. As one of my writer buddies put it…. I’m writing along, minding my own business when suddenly… “Oh look! A butterfly!”


  325. Linda said

    Dani — Don’t let what your niece said get you down. Kids don’t think about what they say and can be hurtful sometimes. You keep on with your drawing and developing your art. I think it is great that you are starting a new path.

  326. Wildstar said

    I am guilty…
    I needed something completely stupid to watch last night to calm down – so I watched the Cheeta Girls – just so I could see Kyle!

    well today was somewhat better – but only slightly…tomorrow has got to be better…

    of course Robin had to cancel lunch becasue her boss was being a jerk…

    seems to be a trend…

    going to go watch a bit of Bad JuJu

  327. Elizabeth said

    Ooh, Ooh…I watched the Cheetah Girls too! Not that I wasn’t rolling my eyes through most of it, but Kyle certainly showed the potential we came to know in his more recent work as Henry. I remember watching this show with my daughter when she was younger…something I absolutely delighted in reminding her when she was making fun of it – LOL

  328. Wildstar said

    oh good I’m not alone!
    Rapping Kyle! I had that stupid song in my head whenI woke up! grrrrr.
    hee hee hee

    I just got the Covenant so maybe I’ll watch that this weekend.

    Well I think I should go work on some writing and call it a night….

  329. I’ll admit it I was being bad last night when I should have been working on editing my notes from my big meeting last night I instead got sucked into ‘Making Mr. Right’. *rolls eyes* only on lifetime would they cast Dean Cain as a bum.

    Well I should go try and get my notes edited into some semblence of order so that I know what I got myself signed up for *sighs* that meeting was worse than the auction I went to ask a question got signed up for a committee.

  330. *blink blink*

    Kyle was in the Cheetah Girls? I’ve never seen that movie. I guess now I have to.

    Okay, I’m going to go back to my Dr. Who/Torchwood adiction now. I’m downloading four episodes of TW, and I’ve got a Dr. Who audio book (Stone Rose. Very good). I’m not obsessing…much…

  331. Dani said

    Morning ladies. I finally got to watch Bad Juju last night. I think the scene where Henry vamps and his voice is normal but his eyes are still dark is the first time he does it in that episode.

  332. Dani said

    It was really hard to tell though because we were only seeing his a 3/4 profile of his face and he was looking at Vicki.

  333. Dani said

    Another thing I noticed about this episode. When Henry and Vicki go looking for Angelique and they discover that she does voodoo. Angelique has a bodyguard or friend or whatever and he tosses a knife at H & V and Henry catches it. At the end of the scene when H, V, & A are leaving to go back to Vicki’s place, Henry looks at the bodyguard/friend and the guy crosses himself. If he is friends with Angelique he would most likely be voodoo too and wouldn’t cross himself. I just found that wierd.

  334. Dani said

    Ok I uploaded my “art” to my blog. Here is the link to my blog:

  335. Dani said

    Am I all alone?

  336. Elizabeth said

    I’m here, Dani. I’ve just been busy this morning. I checked out your art and I think it looks terrific. How are you today?

  337. Dani said

    Todays great but that has a lot to do with it being FRIDAY! I woke up with a really bad headache. The ones you get when you were drinking the night before and are somewhat dried out and hungover but there was no alcoholic consumption on my part last night. I was awake before the alarm with it and it really pissed me off. Argh!

  338. Dani said

    How about you?

  339. Elizabeth said

    I’m really glad it is Friday! I am looking forward to meeting some friends tonight after work for Happy Hour 😉 We try to get together once a month for great conversation and laughs, a couple of drinks and food!

    I’m sorry you have a headache. Have you taken anything for it?

  340. Dani said

    Nope I don’t have anything at work and all I had at home was Advil PM. I don’t think it will look good if I fall asleep at work. LOL! 🙂

  341. Elizabeth said

    Does caffeine help your headaches? Sometimes it will help when I have one. I usually keep Advil in my purse, but ran out…so yesterday I was bumming Advil from a friend. Wouldn’t you know it…I still forgot to refill the bottle and have a headache again today 😦

  342. Dani said

    I don’t drink to much of anything with caffeine in it. I have no idea. I may have to drink a cup of coffee (blech) from the breakroom. It is starting to get worse. I often tell myself I need to do something like fill a bottle or put something in my purse to make sure I have with me and still don’t do it.

  343. Elizabeth said

    If you don’t like coffee, then how about a soft drink? Right now I have a diet Coke. It also helps with the slight upset stomach I get with headaches. Anyway, Dani, I hope you feel better. You certainly don’t want to go into the weekend feeling icky.

  344. laurel said

    I think this is the first headache free day I’ve had all week. Sorry you gals have it today. 😦
    MM – I have to laugh, i was watching “Making Mr Right” this morning while I sipped my coffee and pondered the universe for a while.
    Sophia – I’ve been listening to Doctor Who “The Resurrection Casket”! It’s read by David Tennant and is just wonderful. I love his Scottish accent. He only drops into the Doctor Who voice when reading that character’s lines. Lovely. I just downloaded “Stone Rose” a couple of days ago, so it the next one I’ll listen to. I have also listened to Torchwood “Another Life” read by John Barrowman. Not bad!

    Dani – try drinking a little extra water today. If you have that dry mouth slightly hung over feeling it may mean you really are a little dehydrated. Water with a little lemon is really good for that. (I prefer lime, which works just as well). I hope you feel better soon.

    I finally came up with a semi-reasonable explanation for the plot hole I have in my new story…. I may have to run it by someone just to see if it’s plausible enough. E?

  345. Sorry to hear you’re feeling bad, Dani. Get yourself a big glass of water and a piece of chocolate. Chocolate makes everything better.

  346. Linda said

    Dani — I hope you feel better. Bad to wake up with a headache, that happens to me a lot.

  347. laurel said

    Chocolate is always a good prescription! In fact, I think I feel a headache coming on. I’d better take preventative measures. 😛

  348. Any of you Mac users on right now? I’m getting a headache for real. Stupid camera…

  349. Dani said

    I drink water continually through the day. I guzzle it. Tried the soft drink and had another little something to eat and it seems to have lessened some. Thanks for the advice. When I get home I am going to lay down with some Josh Groban on in the background and rest my eyes.

  350. Maybe pick up some advil on the way home, too?

  351. laurel said

    Sophia – Sorry I missed you’re request for a mac user… I’m here now, do you still need help?

  352. Elizabeth said

    Laurel – I am always ready to read, listen to, run ideas by or generally be a sounding board when it comes to your writing 🙂 Just let me know what you need and I am good to go !!

    I think Chocolate is right up there with a hot cup of tea when it comes to any crisis or illness in my life.

  353. Yes. Do you know of place where I can download Iphoto? My mac will not recognize my new camera, and the only help tech support could give me was to tell me to buy ILife ($126, or $75 for just IPhoto).

  354. Dani said

    I will get some chocolate too since all this talking about has me craving it. Or I could just squeeze the bottle of Hersheys right in my mouth.

  355. laurel said

    I might be feeling a crisis coming on…. I need a cup of good tea and a piece (or four) of really good chocolate. 🙂 I’ll try to hold off until tomorrow, but I’m home alone with the last of the Easter candy.
    No, I won’t be eating that, I want something more “exquisite” for my chocolate fix. Hmmm.

  356. I think it’s time to break into the bag of Dove dark chocolate…I hate computers with a passion.

  357. laurel said

    I’m on my way to Costco, home of the humongous bags of goodies…. Danger Will Robinson!
    I’m sorry to hear about your computer woes! Is it a software or hardware problem?
    Skip the computer, go find a good book. A little bit of Mercedes Lackey always works to take me out of this world and makes me happy. I noticed you are a fan, as are several of the members here. 🙂 (LHM)

  358. Software, I think. I bought a new camera, and my mac won’t recognize it. I called Fuji, they told me I needed image capture. I called mac, got a link to download the program. The computer still won’t recognize my camera, but image capture will. The problem is that I can only access 15 of my photos, and I can’t delete anything. According to Apple, the only solution is to buy IPhoto/ILife. Still waiting to hear back from Fuji. In the mean time, I have a $225 dream camera I can’t use. The only other way to get the photos off is through an Infra Red transfer, and I don’t have anything compatable.

    So. My solution? Beg everyone I know for help, and then camp out with a bag of dove and a few episodes of Torchwood. Maybe Dr. Who is up on Itunes now and I can get a couple episodes of that.

  359. laurel said

    I didn’t see Doctor Who on iTunes yet, but the fact that Torchwood showed up there this week gives me hope. I keep checking. I wish you lived nearby so I could help you with your camera problems. I have a Fuji, an older one, but I download by using the memory card slot in my HP printer that’s connected to my iMac. It’s maybe not the easiest, but it wasn’t all that hard either. I have been known to go to a camera store and have the pics downloaded to a DVD so that I can load them that way too – when I had an older mac.

    Do you have access to an Apple store? I find that the Genius bar people are really helpful and I haven’t been charged for the help. Sometimes, if it’s a slow day in the store the sales people go out of their way to problem solve, in hopes of selling a new computer at some point maybe, but still….

  360. laurel said

    Well, I’m off to the bank and the store. I’ll be back in an hour or so to check up on the latest.


  361. I won’t be able to get to the Genius Bar for a couple of days. I might just call them though, see if they could give me five minutes. I’m about at the end of my rope.

  362. Linda said

    For all the Torchwood fans, here is an interesting clip about the flight scene between Captain John and Captain Jack in last season’s opener.

  363. Wildstar said

    well today was a little better – the temp seems to be working out, no if we can find more stuff for her to do…

    my allergies are driving me nuts – my throat is so bad now from the sinuse draining that I think by sunday I maybe without a voice

    good news – I got a little extra $$$ in my pay tis week for all my hard work this past quarter – makes up a little for not getting anything for the holidays

    lunch with Robin was so much fun! shes ready to quit her job – she has completely had it with her boss poor thing….we spent most of lunch venting about work issues….

    so Laurel – you home yet? Rose?

    I think i”ll go take a bath and come back to check to see whos around….

  364. cdnfreyja said

    Hey ladies, just stopping by to say hi. (I actually typed ‘high’ that’s how tired I am! LOL) I was in meetings from 1:30 pm to the end of the work day today. Been a stressful week. New employee starting Monday, have to hire a summer student. Since when did going to law school qualify me to be an HR specialist? LOL

    I need serious destressing this weekend but I’ve got tons of housework to do. Yuck!

  365. laurel said

    Linda – you got me totally side tracked with that you-tube of Torchwood. I chased different clips around for over an hour. I’m not supposed to be doing that, I have somewhere to be.
    But, I have to say thank you, because I really enjoyed the trip. 🙂

  366. Laurel- I don’t know what it is about Making Mr. Right, but it always always gives me a good laugh. Especially the first dozen or so times through it. I felt kinda weird though at the end where there is that scene with the horse drawn carriage, and Christina’s character(sorry my brain totally fried today), is talking to the ‘bum’ and as I was watching it I was all ‘I thought I was changing you,but you were changing me’ in that really singsongy voice that I use to mock romantic movies(dont ask), and than Half a second later, Christina said the EXACT same words, i think my jaw hit the floor.

    It kind of reminds me of the time Dylan showed up on Stargate and I wasn’t expecting him to be there. I think I got a wee bit of whiplash. I was doing something on my laptop and half paying attention to the episode, and than I heard his voice and I jerked my head up so quickly and was like ‘WHAT?!’.

    OH! OH! I went and got my hair cut/colored today! I like it(despite the skeptic looks).

  367. so i posted, a comment but now its not showing up, anybody got any ideas?

  368. Linda said

    Laurel — A friend sent that link to me. I did the same as you and spent too much time looking at other clips. Started looking at the Dr. Who stuff. I am curious how they are bringing back Rose.

    Freyja — I have a ton of housework too (and yard work). I say that every weekend, but rarely get much done.

  369. Linda said

    MM — I’ve been having some problems posting lately too. I don’t know what’s going on.

  370. cdnfreyja said

    Oh Linda, I’m an extreme procrastinator. If I can put it off I do. And I’m so tired today. Tells me that I’m really stressed when I can’t even get out of bed until 10:30 a.m. I have stuff I’ve been putting off. And there is always more I could do. I haven’t gotten the dead stuff cleared out of the pots on my balcony yet. And I probably won’t until I can plant stuff in June. I usually get it done the Victoria Day long weekend but I’ll be heading away on business.

    And I have to figure out something for my lunches this week. I go through phases of unmotivation when it comes to cooking. And I’m in one of those. I was almost panicky when I woke up this morning thinking ‘what the heck am I going to make today?’. So, I’ve got to run to the store at some point too.

    And I’ve misplaced my digital camera battery recharger. It is here some place in this small condo of mine but I don’t remember where I put it. I usually keep it in one place but it isn’t there. Krikey!

  371. cdnfreyja said

    Oh and I’ve been worried about finding a dress to wear to the wedding at the end of the month but I forgot I have to get a gift. Sheesh! Add that to the list of things I have to do this weekend.

  372. Linda, what’s this I hear about bringing back Rose? Where can I find more info?

  373. hi all, man am i having a bad day today. Another one of the does kidded out unfortunatly we lost both of the goregeous little girls. *sighs* i feel a bit responsible(even though i know i wasn’t) so i’m off to try to come up with a blog entry to commemorate their souls.

  374. Aw, that’s too bad. Sorry to hear it.

  375. cdnfreyja said

    Hi ladies, just hanging out with the cat on the couch this morning. It is grey and rainy here today – we need the rain since it is dry but I could do without the dry.

    MM – sorry to hear about the kids. But I did find a new blog to read through yours, the law student with little Sumo. OMG, she is funny!

    Found a dress for the wedding at the end of May. I just need one small alteration. I just need to find a pair of shoes and I think I’ll look for a wrap since the dress is sleeveless. The wedding is indoors but the AC could be cranked. Got the gift yesterday – some baking stuff since my friend likes to bake. And I’m hoping this one lasts longer than our mutual friend’s marriage did.

  376. cdnfreyja said

    Okay, I know I can live without the dry … but I meant to say that I can live without the grey!

  377. Linda said

    Freyja — I am so glad to know that I am not the only procrastinator. I am horrible sometimes. If I have a long list of things to do, I am more likely to do nothing because I don’t know where to start. I worked on my house some yesterday, but got caught up watching Mansfield Park with Francis O’Conner. I do better if I don’t turn on the tv. (Right now I need to do some yard work. Ugh!!)

    MM — I am so sorry about the kids. I know it’s hard not to feel responsible, even though you are not. {{Hugs}}

    Sophia — I think Rose is coming back as a guest star for a story arc. I saw David Tennent interviewed in one of the utube videos (sorry don’t know which one now) and he said he had not filmed a single scene with her. He said you would understand that when you started to see the storyline unfold. She was in the epi where he takes Donna as his traveling companion. Rose is in a scene at the very end of that episode. She had no lines. I am not sure, but i think, the episodes they are showing on Sci Fi right now are the 2008 season which is where we will see the storyline with Rose.

  378. Linda–Okay, thanks. I’ll keep an eye out for it. In the mean time I’ve been catching up on Torchwood. I might have to just break down and buy the season passes.

  379. cdnfreyja said

    Okay, dress gone for alterations. So I decide that today is kitchen cleaning day including the fridge. I go to put stuff in the garbage chute and low and behold the thing is blocked! Some stupid idiot put something in there they shouldn’t have, again! So, no recycling this weekend either. Yeesh!

  380. laurel said

    MM – I’m so sorry for your losses. It is so hard to feel responsible and to deal with the whole “what if?” thing. Hang in there, dear.

    freyja – I’m glad you found a dress that didn’t need a lot of altering. It is such a pain to have to do that. What kind of wrap are you looking for? We’re going to want pictures, you know.

    Sophia – I would love to see Rose return to Doctor Who, but I don’t think they can go quite that far. Too bad, Donna’s not my favorite, but I do kind of identify with her. Older, decent figure – not starving to get into size 00 jeans… but her voice makes me crazy and she’s hard to understand.
    Which Torchwood are you watching now? I’m kind of going back and watching them again and I wouldn’t mind chatting about the episodes if you want someone to do that with.

    Linda – I’m a major procrastinator, too! But then, you knew that didn’t you?

  381. Freyja, Linda, Laurel- Thanks for the kind words about the kids. I am doing a lot better since I blogged about it last night.

    Freyja- I stumbled upon LSHM, a while ago, and I agree she is HILARIOUS, I laugh every time I read her blog!

  382. Okay I know that there are a bunch of ‘Mac’ people here. So I have a question.

    Would you recommend an Ipod Nano, over an Ipod Classic w/ Video?
    And the second part of the question is- do they get along w/ PC’s as long as you have I tunes?

    See I have this thing- I love me some Itunes. I run a DELL(I refuse to give him up), but want to add an Ipod to my happy little techy enclave. I have been in love with the Ipod Classic w/ video for a while, they are just slightly out of my price range. Than in today’s ad’s I noticed that a large multinational store is running a mothers day special on Ipod Nano’s. So that has become my request for mothers day(seeing as I haven’t EVER even gotten so much as a ‘happy mothers day’ phone call)….

  383. Dani said

    Hey ladies!

    So sorry about the kids MM.

    Someone might need to email Ms Gypsy about the missing posts. They might be in her spam bucket.

    Freyja, what does the dress look like? My mom has to go to a 50th anniversary that is supposed to be garden party attire. When I think of garden party I picture frothy cute little white dresses and hats. That is so not my mom. My gram and aunt are going to and they don’t where things like that either. They all have to go shopping for something new for this stupid party.

  384. MM, I can tell you for a fact that Ipods work just fine on PCs if you have Itunes. When you plug it in for the first time, you just set it for PC, and you’ll be fine. I myself have an Ipod nano, and I love it. Just had it a week or so, but it’s really nice (I upgraded to one of the new ones from a generation 1 nano). My roommate had an ipod video for PC and loved it as well. If you’re planning on watching a lot of video, go for the larger one. The nano works fine for me though–it’ll hold one movie plus about 600 songs. I might be able to squeeze two on there, but not much in the way of music.

  385. Laurel–I found the interviews and some teasers on youtube. I’m thrilled. I’m not crazy about Donna, but I still like her better than Martha. I have a passionate dislike for her that I can’t explain (she’s a bit better in Torchwood though).

    I’m skipping around. From series one I have Ghost Machine, Random Shoes, Captain Jack Harkness, and End of Days. From series two I’ve got Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, A day in the Death, Something Borrowed, and From out of the Rain. I’ve been watching all of them as soon as I have them downloaded. Actually, I started watching most of them before they were even completely downloaded. I think I’m going to break down and just get the season passes. $25 for downloads, or $50 each for DVDs. Let me think about that one…

  386. Linda said

    MM — I have an iPod Video and really love it. I bought it so I could download and carry Blood Ties epis with me. lol! I also download other shows from time to time like Supernatural etc. The main disadvantage is when I exercise, it is more bulky and heavy than a nano is. Also, when you watch video, it eats up the battery very quickly, much more so than the music does.

    As for whether it works well with a pc, I can’t say. It is supposed to, but you know how that is. I would think as long as you have iTunes it should work fine.

    Laurel — I liked Donna better in the Pompeii episode last week. I think we will grow to like her more. Also, Billie Piper is doing a series for Showtime called Diary of a Call Girl (or something like that). I’m pretty sure she will only be a guest star on Dr. Who. So nice to meet a fellow champion procrastinator, perhaps we should form a club. Freya?

    Dani — They don’t have to be frothy, could be a nice summer print would do the trick.

  387. Dani said

    What about pants? Would that go over? Neither of them are really a dress or skirt person.

  388. Wildstar said

    well I’m home sick and guess whats on tv? Chupracabra Dark Seas – with Dylan…hee hee hee – horrible movie, but at least Dylan is nice looking 😉

  389. Linda said

    Dani — I think pants would work too. Look for something soft or linen and pair them with a print tunic or blouse. City shorts that come to the knee…they look great with heels. Do you have a J. Jill? I saw some cute stuff in their latest catalogue.

    Wildstar — guilty pleasure tv… my favorite! (Dylan said he felt bad for anyone who had to watch that…)

  390. Dani said

    Sorry never heard of J.Jill. My mom will most likely look in Lane Bryant before looking anywhere else.

  391. Sophia, Linda- thanks for the info!

    I actually went into my Itunes account last night and realized that a Ipod video would probably work better for me. See I have over 28 Gb’s of Video alone, and I don’t think I could pick favorites between BT, and my Atlantis.

    I don’t know how much(if any) music I would actually put on the Ipod, as my cell phone doubles as a MP3 player, and actually holds most of my music which is nice. Now if only it would hold video too(well it does but I designated it for music not video).

  392. laurel said

    MM – I have an iPod Video 30g that I got last July. They don’t even make it anymore, but it is wonderful. The “classic” took its place in the iPod line-up and the small one is 80g. My husband has a nano – 8g that he really likes. It was fine on his PC until he sent the lap top to the company IT guy. From then on nothing worked with iTunes and he moved all his stuff to my Mac.
    IT guy disabled the video feature and screwed it up big time for the PC. Grrrr.

    With 30g I have 41 – tv programs (two are made for tv movies), 957 – songs, 80 – photos.
    10 podcasts (hour long radio programs). I did have to remove a couple of shows to make room for Torchwood, but they are still on my computer in the iTunes library and I can restore them to my iPod if I want to trade something out for a while. (Audio files are taking up 4.58 GB, Video is taking up 22.12 GB, photos – 59.1 MB, other 150.1 MB – this is the “operating system” for the iPod and does not change).
    My husband has 940 – songs and 5TV – shows.
    Both of us have our iPods at full capacity so maybe that gives you a better idea of what you want/need.
    Video takes up a lot of space.

  393. laurel said

    Wildwoman! Home sick? Sorry to hear that dear, I hope it isn’t anything serious.
    I somehow doubt that watching Chupakabra is going to make you feel better unless you just watch for the chance to see Dylan. It makes me feel bad for him to be seen in such a poor movie. I’m going to have to watch “Babylon 5 – Legend of the Rangers” to make me feel better. I got it from iTunes. 🙂

    I’m supposed to be working on some bookkeeping but I’m watching Doctor Who and doing housework instead.
    Procrastination at its finest.

  394. Laurel- I might only ‘need’ the 80 Gig, model, BUT I know I will be expanding my Itunes library. At the moment I have 56 TV shows(1 made for tv movie) that total in at 27.7 Gigs, 1 full length movie @ 696 Mb, and 261 songs @ 1.02 Gigs(this is only about half of my CD’s). So at the moment I am under the 80 Gig size BUT later this summer I will be purchasing all 3 seasons of SGA that I don’t have, and then when the new one premieres SP’ing it.

    On another note I got a really sweet card in the mail today from the vets’ office consoling me on our recent losses and informing me that they have made a donation to my favorite college’s Vet Med Wall of Angels, in honor of our pets.

  395. laurel said

    I’m hoping to move up to the 80G model because I’ve reached capacity on my 30G, but with a little management I can deal.

  396. laurel said

    Oh, make sure you check at Costco! You can save about $10. You can use the savings for the three gallons of gas it will take to get there. 🙂

  397. MM–That’s really sweet. None of the vets offices around here do anything like that. They just sent my dad a $50 bill for putting down our fifteen year old Dalmation. There was a single line at the bottom giving “their condolences for our loss.”

    I think I’m going to check my bank account and then look into a season pass for Torchwood. It hasn’t been on lately that I’ve seen. I’m going through a really weird sci fi phase. Usually I’m more of a fantasy girl–more D&D than Star Trek, but lately I can’t seem to get enough.

  398. msgypsy said

    New post is up!

    And I’m going CRAZY packing for this cruise. What to bring, what to bring? I mean, no internet for A WHOLE WEEK is bad enough but dressing inappropriately at dinner? That can only make it worse!

  399. Arrowyn said

    Portland Gang:

    Is anybody available on Tuesday (tomorrow) to have lunch with me? Yes, you heard right — lunch — with me — and during the week. What is this world coming to! All the auditors are out for 2 days at a seminar. Laurel, if E isn’t working, would you get this to her. I don’t know her home email address.

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